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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wow Jamie, You're Hilarious
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They SUCK!
Okay so here's to thinking positive the rest of my post (i think i can do that, no promises)
Today was an okay day. Not good, not bad, Okay.
I had a science test, and I must say I was amazing :) we used our books... still amazing!
The downside to using our book is, if we got a question wrong you have to write the question and answer off 10 times! There's 60 questions people!
HAHA Danielle almost killed someone with a scooter! Couch Jones brought her 2 sons' scooters to gym class for some reason and today Danielle and I had them. We thought it would be fun to race! So we went into the break room (when you come into the gym there is a hall type deal known as the break room that has snack machines and such, it comes out on the other side of the gym.) So we started at the end of one side and was going to race to the other side. Of course by the time we got to the end we were going to race to completely stop so we turned out of the break room. Danielle was like literally two inches away from hitting this poor innocent, rather good looking :), high schooler! After he realized he wasn't dead we all just started busting out laughing. Ha Danielle and I have some pretty good times in gym.
Another funny story today in gym:
Jessica and I got a dollar was going to get something out of the snack machine. So we walk to the break room and I notice the good machines is accepting bills (it usually only takes coins)
"So many options!" I was honestly excited.
"Pick whatever you want." Jess said.
"How about this?" I pointed "I've always wanted to get one."
It was in a blue wrapper and was special K brand with Blueberry very noticeably written.
Jess and I had already ate half of it and I was joking with Danielle "Wow, this taste like blueberries!"
"Wow!! Wonder Why!?" Because you know, the Blue wrapper with the words blueberry wasn't noticeable (psh...yeah..)
A second later Jessica yells out "Ew it has blueberries in it!" She points to an actually blueberry. Then she spits it out, "I'm allergic!"
Nothing happen, but she said she was allergic. It's just funny because she totally did not know it was blueberry.
Ha... that wasn't such a great story after it was written.
I would love love to write more, but have to go and want to post this, maybe more later?
We'll see....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Your Talking About Spring Break!?
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Where has Jamie been you ask?
No, it was not because her mother took her phone, but that factors into the story.
I did not actually tell my mom about my grades until about an hour ago.
I had some how managed to stall till then, and in the mean time I was laying low on my phone and laptop usage when my mom was home, so I had no time to blog.
It was about 9:15 and I finally gathered all my progress reports up and headed towards my mom's room.
She first handed me my clean cloths she had just washed and noticed I had paper's in my hand.
"What's that?" She asked.
".....Progress reports."
"Are they bad?"
"Your gonna be mad."
"I'm disgusted already and I haven't even seen them yet. I'm taking your phone."
Then it goes into her looking at the grades and noticing most of it was because I had not turned in homework.
This were my many points I had tried very hard (and succeeded i suppose) to get across:
-I know it's because of homework and where I never made up my work. This past week I've been doing most of my homework in study hall and brought the rest home and do it. I've also been bringing my science and history book home so I could study. My friends have also been helping, like Hannah as been helping me catch up on my work i've missed in science. Another one of my friends have been helping me get my math homework done and I call them when I need help in anything (trying to secure the phone). I've also been working on extra credit in things like history. I've already turned in like two things and i'm about to start working on some reports about people, because I can find stuff on the internet (this was to help me secure the laptop :] ) I've been working a lot harder this past week and I will keep working harder. I'll bring it up.
I repeated most of this stuff until I knew she understood. She just talked a minute and really wasn't all that mad at all. The new rule is when I get home my cell phone goes on the table until I show her my completed homework then I get it back! Also I have to have at least a low C on the report card.
Through most of it I stayed strong (haha) but toward the end the tears came. Also toward the end I was so happy and smiling. Therefore I was smiling, crying, and when she just starting talking about when I was getting out of school I started laughing "Your talking about springbreak?! I thought you'd be so mad."
In other quick news....
-Today I got my bottom braces on :(
-Lauren and I are starting to talk more
-Kyle and I have made some friend progress
-I decided I didn't want to make progress and I wasn't going to talk to him as much
-I deleted his number :)
-and Austin was bothered by me talking to him haa...
- Speaking of Kyle and Austin, Kyle and I were playing the question game and he asked "Does Jamie ever miss Kyle?" Which 1. bothered me, because Austin and I talk in 3rd person sometimes and 2. he was loving those type questions that night, and I wasn't. I replied with "Not since I've meet Austin." Then he just said "Ooh."
-He also asked questions like "Would you ever go back out with me?" and there was another, but I don't remember, they were all negative answers toward him though.
-Um.. other stuff happened but i'm in a hurry!
Quick things I want to say to people, but don't have time to comment them!
-Emily I read your blog! Try posting and deleting the others!
-Everyone I'm sooo happy lol.... random!
- Austin I told you, you wouldn't blog again :)
- Megan I am alive, as you probably know by now. I hope you've realized anyways and Jameson singing to you sounds fantastic, I wish I was you! (by the way not really lol I love being me!)
Jamie Is Happy!!!!!
Welcome Back Me!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Cleaverness of a Cleaver Title
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I never try on tittles really, I'm sure you can tell, but everyone else always has awesome titles so I think i'll start to try.
That is if I don't die of murder from mommy dearest when she find's out my grades. Which I'm waiting until right before I going to "sleep" anyways because she'll just yell at me for a few minutes and then say "Go to bed!"
And I really want to watch Grey's Anatomy tonight. It's the third and last installment to the Grey's Anatomy/ Private Practice crossover. Very exciting. Derek and Mark are gonna get into a fight! I'm guessing it's over Little Grey.....haha no one knows what the heck i'm talking.
If my laptop stays with me, i'll be back for a longish post :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Camp Sick
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The past few days I have found myself very camp sick. I had already decided I wasn't going to go back, but I think I've changed my mind. I don't know. I know I can't bring it up at the moment to my mom, because of my grades (which I still haven't told her about, I will tomorrow I guess).
But I think I will.
The bad this is I'd be gone for four weeks. Actually I would quite enjoy that, I would just miss some people. On the plus side you all could write emails to me :) but I can only write letters.
Do you know how happy people get when they get letters and packages? HAPPY! :)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Jamie has a whole bunch of ugly in her mouth
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-Hello Hello.
-I now have braces. Ew.
-I would rather say no more about that tragic fact.
-If you haven't realized this post will be in a weird typed list form.
-Austin finally got a new phone. Yay. Now please do not drop this on in water, OK? OK.
-Great story how I found that out too. I hadn't talked to him all day, and I was bored so I decided to call his phone to see if it really didn't work. I pressed send and hung right up, but then I realize it rang once. I thought if it was turned off or didn't work it wouldn't have rang at all. So then I called back to see. It rang three times and I was kind of mad at the moment. Then he texted me and apparently he had just got it and did not have my number, and wouldn't until he got home. So yeah...
-Speaking of Austin, he says he's going to start blogging again. We'll see how that goes, I doubt too well. Maybe it break his six day record though.
- Dekota, seriously stop trying to talk to me. I get your messages on myspace, you don't have to resend them! I'm not going to reply. Maybe you should have started acting like a normal person. And if you have something to say after this, like you normally do, be like the rest of my blog readers and just comment it, don't texted me.
- Megan!!!! I want to hear about Sweethearts! So hurry up and tell! I'm very curious of who your "in love" with do. By the way, if you haven't seen my comment yet, I went back on to Jameson's blog (I am a follower not :]) and I heard him sing....haha you should be in love with him! ;)
-I have decided i'm going to wait till tomorrow to tell my mom about my grades, just in case she does take my phone and/or laptop.
-Tomorrow is two months for Austin and I :)
-Ali, I haven't heard from you! Maybe since this is a real post you'll comment. I about to go catch up on your blog!
-Guys I'm sorry I haven't exactly been making real post, i'll try to change that.
- Oh, I have to get something straight. Emily don't be mad at me! This is what happened: As you know I quit the writer's blog, and then Emily got mad because I left her. I thought getting mad in the first place was stupid, but I'm over it now. So you REALLY need to get over it, K? And why aren't you replying to my blogger comments? I'm hoping to receive a comment from you. (And hopefully others :) Jamie loves some comments :])
-Wow, oh wow. I would like to direct you all to a wonderful singer. His name is Jameson, a friend of Meg and Sid's, listen ladies and you'll be in love :)
-I just realized I love you all for reading :)
-Thank you!
Monday, February 16, 2009
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Well I haven't talked to Austin all day, which is weird because I don't think we've ever went a day with out talking.
A few minutes ago, I found this, which I found a little funny:
"-But I am still happy that today's a new day to make my own adventure, and perhaps my own love story."
This came from Austin blog (which didn't last long) at about 6 am on December 18th. As i've said before is when him and I got together.
Hopefully, you got what I'm talking about, because I don't feel like explaining. I'm getting off the internet. I will for sure post tomorrow, because it's important.
Until then, Bye.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Just Wanted to Say..
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I have new blog music :)
I am no longer apart of The Writer's Blog. I granted Admin permission to both Ash and Emily.
Use it wisely :) haha...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I H A T E Secrets.
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I honestly think I just experienced something of the psychiatrical problem sort.
I'll spare you the pathetic details.
Mainly, because I would look intensely crazy, or sick.
I hate when my mind goes into these uncontrollable "Let's think about things" times.
The sad part about it, is I actually notice the things I've tried to ignore, but I just have to face the fact that it's all reality.
But I think I like denial better.
What about what I want, what I wish for?
Then again, maybe I'm just over reacting.
I wouldn't know though, because I can't talk about it to anyone.
I H A T E Secrets.
(Austin, please just don't even bring this up.)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Today was not a good day.
We got our progress reports today at school, and there possibly the worse grades I've had in a while. I could get my phone and my laptop taken away, I'm not sure what my Mom will do. I'm not showing her until Tuesday night though, because we don't have school Friday or next Monday, and I won't be going to school on Tuesday.
So the possibility of my phone and MAYBE my laptop being taken is something I was going to talk about with Austin tonight, but WAIT I can't!
Because, as you know, he had to go put his phone in water! Who puts their phone in a glass of water?!
I'll more than likely post later tonight, but for now I have to go.
Tragedy Strikes
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Dear Jamie,
When you called me this morning, I kinda sorta placed my cell phone in a glass of water instead of on my desk... (oops)
I think my phone might not have liked that too much because it says "phone failure" when I try to turn it on yeah ...
P.S. I'm gonna figure out a way to make it your fault, even though I clearly was the one who put the phone in the water
When you called me this morning, I kinda sorta placed my cell phone in a glass of water instead of on my desk... (oops)
I think my phone might not have liked that too much because it says "phone failure" when I try to turn it on yeah ...
P.S. I'm gonna figure out a way to make it your fault, even though I clearly was the one who put the phone in the water
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Quick Update
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I don't have much time, but I thought I would update y'all real quick. In list form:
- So today I got my spacers in, they don't hurt at all! Everyone said they did? Oh well..
-Dr. Fergison is awesome!
-I slept for like a ton of hours last night, that's great for a change.
-I'm lacking comments on my post.. :(
-I got Itunes money, and just remembered! I can spend Itunes money faster than anyone you've ever met!
-I got my hair cut, well trimmed it's not a big deal.
-It's also parted different, but it always goes back the way it was :(
-I am officially ignoring Dekota. I know your reading this, so do yourself a favor and just leave me alone!
- I found out today I have bad grades, not really a surprise, but sad...i need to go study.
So on that note, Bye.
I'll have a long/real post soon.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
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Here recently I've been really wanting to go to a Predators game. No, I've never even watched them on TV or anything, but I will! Hockey seems like a violent sport, and those are the fun ones to watch :) haha.
But really I hate almost all Tennessee sports teams, but I think I could like them.
I'm going to make someone watch hockey with me :)
Austin do you watch hockey? Hmm...I don't know.
I know somebody on here watched hockey I just don't remember who.
Anyways.... in other news:
Cleaning sucks.
Yeah.... that's pretty much it.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
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Well I have two things to be excited about:
1. Megan is making me these awesome headers! Thank you so so much! I will post them soon and let you all pick because, I can't.
Thanks again.
2. I found my best friend from kindergarden and below on myspace! Really! Her name is Callie. More on that later.
Hints, there will be a post later tonight :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Phone-Back;Austin- Will enjoy me talking about him
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I now have my phone in my hand. Yay!
It was horrible without my phone, not so much because of the phone itself , but because I couldn't talk to Austin.
Which brings me to this:
I would like to announce I finally, without a doubt, trust Austin (I am sooo NOT good with trusting people.)
Yes, I know what your thinking. I can't even believe it myself!
I can not believe I just fell for some guy so quick and especially when I was "done with the whole relationship thing for a while".
I just know at this very moment the feeling is amazing and I also know how terrible the feeling will be if something were to happen.
But I'm no longer thinking of that; Doubting
It took me a year to finally say to myself that I loved, well you-know-who, (don't want to ruin the post) and in like two months I can say to myself that I love Austin. wow.
Just wanted to let y'all know :)
-Oh, Megan you can't hate him because of his name! Think logically there can't be multiply Austins, who are like that Austin!
-Oh, and sure Austin already knew this, but I thought it would be a big thing to actually tell YOU guys, because, well I never say what I want because he'll read and yeah.....
You've heard the story.
I want to say more, but I'll save that for another post!
Because I think I may start saying more of the thoughts in my head.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Posted by
I got my phone taken up while texting at school :(
I may get it back tomorrow depends how mad my mom still is.
I hope i do get it back, though soooooo bad!
Wish me luck!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Well looky there!
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Jamie has a new header :)
Okay so it's not that good, but I made it!
If only someone with awesome header making skills could make me a better one.....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Austin! Twilight!
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Hello Hello. I am trying to convince Austin he should read Twilight.
Because one, he trys to talk about Edward Cullen, when he does not even know! Edward is Amazing! Note I capitalized the first letter is amazing :)
And see if he reads he can see just how great he is (meaning Austin)! To me, that's a great reason.
And the fact that he says he will never read, just makes me want to make him read.
La La Land
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So it seems getting four teeth pulled doesn't kill you. I think the funniest thing is the whole time I was trying to think of things I could say when I blogged this. Wow.
My day did not start off too great, because at the very last minute my Mom decided I did not have to go to school after all. And being at the very last minute, meaning it was too late. So, I had to go anyways.
Since I rode the bus, I got to school a little earlier than I usually do. I went to my locker, got my English book and binder, then went straight to class (if you stand out in the hall and talk when your about to have English(Couch Reasonover's class) you get yelled at by him!)
So I went and sat in my seat, then started talking to Hannah. A few minutes later I mentioned that I may not be there tomorrow (meaning today). Then, Couch Reasonover asked why. He also said I miss school alot, which I don't I had only missed last Friday! Which then reminded me that I forgot to get my absentee note. So, then I had to inform him of this.
"Ugh, I forgot to get my absentee note, can I please go get it?"
Then he gives me this look.
"I guess! And while you up there you might as well get a tardy. Hurry up."
(Might I add you never get tardies when your getting absentee notes, he was just being....Couch Reasonover!)
So then I had to go stand in a forever long line and when it was finally my turn I said
"Hi, may I please get a note for Friday? It will be a parent note I just forgot to bring it, I'll have it tomorrow. Oh, and according to Couch Reasonover I need to get a tardy while I'm up here!"
She then looked at me and smiled, while the boy behind me started laughing and said "I feel bad for you, his class sucks!"
When I did get back to class, Reasonover was rude to me the whole time.
I could complain about two other annoying incidents, but I won't. I'll get to the more interesting part.
The Dentist.
As we were waiting for 2 o'clock, when my appointment was, my mom was telling me which parts would hurt and blah blah blah. I can not stand pain. At all. So this was basically scaring me.
Then at exactly 2 they opened the door and called for me. They took me to the room and told me to wait a moment, that Dr. Milligan would be right there. I spent my last minute of so replying to a text message from Austin saying I would reply again after everything was done. As I was putting my phone in my pocket, Dr. Milligan and a women that I don't know her name came in. There was the normal small talk and then it started.
They first put the thing over my nose so I could breathe in the laughing gas. Then he started to give me the shots of Novocain? I think. Anyways.. I got four shots of this, one on each side. Top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right. I would feel a small prink and then it would just slowly going away. I think at this point my heart was racing and I had my hands balled into fist. I was quite nervous. Then they left me in there for about five minutes and told me to relax. So I tried. As my mouth was getting numb, I took my bottom and top teeth, and pushed them together to see if it would hurt. I did a few things of this sort, because I was thinking how much it would actually hurt when they pulled the teeth. I don't think I actually relax until the last minute, which was ruined when they walked in.
He began by giving me more shots in the exact same places, but I think this was something else. I could taste it (it was nasty by the way) He then asked if both sides of my mouth were numb. My right side was, but my left side was not as much. I wanted to make sure it was as numb as I could get it! So he then gave me more Novocain, or whatever, on my left side. Before I knew it he was working on the top left tooth.
Early I said my heart was racing and I was pretty much shaking, well I was here for sure.
He was moving the tooth around, and around, jerking at it. I wasn't really anything at the tooth. At moments I could hear the tooth being slightly pulled from the gum.
The entire time I was making sure I was talking long deep breaths of the laughing gas. As he was still jerking and pulling at the tooth, I basically went into la la land. My eyes were closed but I got a dizzy feeling and sort of blacked out. I was no longer paying any attention to the tooth. I was actually paying more attention to the fact that I liked this feeling and there was nothing bad about it. I had completely forgot I could still hear them, until Dr. Milligan was talking directly to me telling me to try to show a little resistance to him jerking at my tooth and at some point I think he also told me to make sure my mouth was open wide because i was smashing my lip with his, well I don't know what it was but it was in my mouth! So I tried focusing on this while I wasn't really focusing on anything.
The next thing I know he was already working on pulling the tooth in the top right. He had already pulled the other tooth and I didn't even know it! So, this time I tried to see if I could tell when he pulled it. It was pretty much the same as the other, except when i was actually paying attention i could hear the tooth being pulled out.
So let me remind you I'm in la la land and I'm actually enjoying this.
Then, he moves to the bottom left. He starts to move it and I opened my eyes, my heart was once again racing. I could feel it.
Dr. Milligan then asked "Is everything okay?" He had asked this two or three times before, but this was when it wasn't.
"I can still feel that."
"Oh, that's not good!" he laughed
"No, no it's not!" I replied.
So then he shot me up with some more numbing medicine. ha.
But this time I actually felt it being pulled. After it was done it was not horrible at all though. It didn't even hurt as much as when your little and your pulling an already lose tooth. It just scared me, because I could actually feel it.
By the last tooth, I was kind of sad it was almost over. I had already went back into my relaxed stage and I was thinking to myself I would not mind doing this again.
Then It was over.
They put the things in my mouth were I was bleeding, (yeah, I did not think about bleeding! Stupid me. It was alot of blood.) I felt so stupid because almost my entire face my numb and I had those things in my mouth which made it look swelled and I had no idea what my face looked like.
I couldn't talk with those in my mouth and I was also getting scared again because they were talking about how it would bleed and the pain pills. Yes, the pain pills. Which implies there will be pain.
But in the end it was all fine. Not really any pain. And the pain pills just made me sleepy. So I'm fine.
I still didn't go to school today because my mouth hurt :D :D haha
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My last Goodbyes
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There's a good chance I will not make it home alive tomorrow. So I thought I should take the time to make a goodbye post. Meg- Your blog was the first blog I ever started reading. I think it may have even inspired me to create a blog, which I am now addicted to. You make the most amazing headers and your just an awesome person. I truly hope you get over the whole Austin thing (Austin it has nothing to do with you so don't waste your time thinking, ha.) He is not worth it. Have a grand time at the Sweethearts dance! Em- I'm glad we started being better friends. I'm sorry for everything that happened last year. I'm happy I did to you what Megan did to me, I helped you start your blog! Keep it up! Oh, and I give you permission to hack my account and make yourself administrator of A Writer's Notebook. Ali- You are defiantly the best reader anyone could have! Surprisingly we have a lot in common. I love your blog and I'm so thankful you love mine :) I don't want to go all yearbook on you, but stay awesome! Sid- We never really talk, but I think your a very great person, always have. If I do survive, I will for sure comment you more often. Katelynn- I don't know what i'd do without your awesome blog music :) You don't seem to write much, but I enjoy reading it all. EVEN THOUGHT WHEN YOU DELETE THINGS YOU WRITE, IT SERIOUSLY IRRITATES ME! ha.. Do the next person a favor, and don't delete things so often. Austin- I have to be honest, I never liked you. Never. Actually I kind of hate you. The only reason I talk to you is for your love of smoothies and skittles. Honestly. Really. NO LIE!!!!! -haha. :D Everyone else, thanks for reading my not so interesting blog! I really appreciate it. -oh, one last person. Dekota (you may know him as my stalker)- I hate to be mean, but you just don't take a hint. Actually, it's more than a hint. You just don't really listen at all. You are stalker-ish. A lot of people think so. I do not, and will not ever like you. Please, Please, Please just give up! And for every other girls sake in a 100 mile radius of our school, try to work on not being a stalker. Maybe then you might find a girl who is...okay well she won't be decent, but she may be a girl anyway. Okay, i can't promise she'll even be a girl. So I guess that's it. Good bye. I love all you guys (except my stalker-creepy!). I hope y'all some-what miss me.If your wondering why I might not come home alive, it's because- - - - - - - I'm going to the dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!