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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Harry Potter

Well today I woke up, and did pretty much nothing for an hour or so. Then, I decided I would have myself a Harry Potter marathon. I am pretty excited to see Cedric[aka Rob Pattinson (aka Edward)] I just four movies to go until I get there :]
I just started the first one, and ordered pizza. Today will be a relaxed, lazy day for me. :] It will be quite enjoyable. 

*I would just like to note, tomorrow is Thanksgiving :] So here are my 10 things I'm thankful for off the top of my head:
1. All the obvious stuff, ha
2. Family and Friends
3. candy, ha
4. dreams
5. Sundrop
6. good books
7. smoothies
8. my laptop :]
9. internet :]
10. blogger :]