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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My kind of blogging

Well I have not really got the chance to actually blog. In the sense of the way I blog. Does that make sense? Probably not, but oh well.

Just a moment ago, I was on my favorite blog, ever. Her name is Meg, well Megan. I would give you her URL, but it would be pointless, because she is going private tonight. 
Lucky, I was invited as a reader :] Meg if you ever read this, Thanks alot.
I just left her a comment, and for some reason it made me all happy inside. Why? you ask.
Well, I'm not sure. Haha
Her blog makes me happy in general though, because I feel I can relate to many things, and she is just a great writer.
But on with other things.

I was almost murdered! In a dream anyways. Early, I was watching the wonderful show Ghost Hunters, and I started to get a little sleepy. So, if you did not already guess it, I fell asleep. It was one of those dreams, that you know is a dream, but it's still weird. In the dream, I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, when all of a sudden, I heard a loud bang. Then, I get up and I'm pretty much scared to death, because obviously I think the worst. I start to get up, but then I remembered I'm home alone which makes it worse. I finally get brave enough to walk out of my room, and right in front of me is this large, dark, shadowed figure( it was not my shadow) Then, I wake up :] This dream was strange, because 1. I actually remembered it and 2. I actually knew it was a dream the whole time. Well, I'm glad it ended! Someone once told me you never die in dreams, and if you did you would really be dead. I don't really believe it, but it is a little odd that you never actually die. I guess that's just another question to ask in life :]

Because of recent events I would just like to say:
I hate Liars, Cheaters, Players, Sluts, Drama Queens, Two-Faced Friends, Back Stabbers, Haters ( depends what there hating on :]), and any other similar category! So please, stay away!  -Thanks


m e g • (an) said...

Jamie jamie jamie!
guess what!
I can't put my blog on private, it's just not right. At least for now. I explained my change of thought on my blog.
that comment on my blog just made my day. Thank ya very much!
if i ever do put it on private, you will be at the top of my readers list.

m e g • (an) said...

Well hello again :)
I just got your comment on "divinity syndrome"
I actually make all my headers on paint. If you have windows xp, or anything, you will know what i mean. But if you have a mac, then you won't
A word of advice, when you use my headers, to make them the actual size they were intended to be, you have to click on them individually then save them. Ya know what i mean?
I love that you use my headers! If you want me to make you any, with quotes or your name you can just say!

Anonymous said...

hey.........its emilayyyy tell me if you like the blog so far

nevermore31 said...

this is emily again

you know who said...

you better text me