It is just moments after, the mentioned, unmentioned subject. Him. I know for a fact that I don't want him anymore, but just thinking about all the things said, the past, the love, the hate, the tears, It all just makes me feel terrible. It was all for nothing and I feel ashamed for having thoughts of him. It's one of the rare things, I wished never happened. I guess in ways it's my fault, if you reference to the saying " It happens once, shame on you. It happens twice, shame on me." Well, you broke my heart once, shame on you. You broke my heart twice, shame on me.
I have now become a pessimist of love. Along with you, I feel that no one wants me. No one ever will.
Every night at 11:11, I wished for him. Now, every night at 11:11, I wish I'd never got the smallest bit of what I had of him.
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