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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Official "I'm over it" Post

Today something happened that has been needed to happen for a while. 
I have been saying I'm over the whole Kyle thing, and I was 99.9% sure that was true. I ALMOST hate him really. 
But today something added that extra 00.1% 
I was listening to some stupid love song, and then I realized I was thinking of someone other than Kyle.
Ladies and Gents, I think that is the proof we needed =]
Well, It's good enough for me anyways. 
I know your probably sick of reading about him, because I am sick of writing him. So I think this will be the last time you hear about him (Unless something epic happens, of course). I would like to add one last thing though.......
Today as I was reader a few blogs I read a post titled "Hidden Letters Revealed". In this post she mentioned finding a few letters she found under her mattress. 
This made me think of a few things I did. "Are they still there?" I thought to myself. Curiosity struck me, so I had to get up and look. 
I carefully slipped my hand in between my mattresses to find three pieces of paper that had been out of a notebook, my poetry notebook to be pacific. (Yeah, I don't write anymore, I SUCKED!)
I then remember vividly the time I had put them there. I was looking though many things and throwing away anything that reminded me of him. I had already threw away some things I wrote, but I could not find myself to throw these away. It was all that was left, out of everything. So, I stashed then into the place I just retrieved them from. 
Well, here they are...
Deep inside there's an unknown feeling
of love for the one i hate
is it too late
to take back the lies 
of unwanted lullabies 
knowing that i'm afraid 

afraid of love
afraid of trust

or maybe something more
but if this feeling is true 
and i do come running back to you
how do i know you feel the same 
how do i know if you love me too?

I make myself believe
the only way to know
is to take your hand 
and let you show 
there's more to us
there's love

now that i'm thinking it through
i know i have to choose
do i truly want you? 
yes,i do, i love you

love rehab
24 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes, and 3 seconds
since i last spoke to you
the pain is extreme
the voices in my head are screaming
my body is freezing
and breaking out in sweat
minute after minute it gets worse
i drop to my knees
tears start to fall
my addiction to you 
is so hard to drop
i must stick through
to get over you
because loving you is like a drug
it is poisioning me
after i can finally face you
i will never take your love again

You were the one boy who made me think day and night 
who made it all alright
the one boy who made me smile 
then end it all in one night 
it was such a surprise
until i realized what all was on my mind 
this love was untrue, nothing to do with you
just the thought of having someone
now were over, everything is though
and i don't really care about you

You may comment on these if you'd like, but just so you know you won't hurt my feelings in any way by telling me how bad these are. I am aware of the suck. ha. That's why I stopped. 


Ash Mazelan said...

no! they dont suck! they're good. i envy this poem. by the way, you're tagged for the subsequent tag..

Katelyn said...

These don't suck! Keep writing!! I write poems like these too and even though I think mine suck, I keep writing..these are really good! my favorite one is the last one:)

Katelyn said...

yeah I know what you mean about the loosing yourslef in the writing..its a great way to like get away from it all huh? I dont even know how to explain it but im pretty sure you know what I mean. lol