This post has been re-done three times, due to this wonderful thing called procrastination. Even though I've wrote a small post here in there, I really haven't said much in a while. I hopefully plan to put more effort onto my post. Including the ones on my team blog, since I've only posted once.
Speaking of that, apparently it was very "Deep". It was about sunset, well it really had a double meaning and was about something else, I'm sure you could figure it out.
I finally finished my book, Recovering Charles. It was a good book, but the ending kind of irritated me, but I suppose I got over it. I suggest it to others. I'm not very good at explaining things, but I'll try for my wonderful blog readers :)
Luke Millward is a photographer who lives in New York. For years him and Charles, his alcoholic father, never spoke. When they did it was only when Charles was broke and was calling for money. After the phone calls finally stop, and years later it was 2004 and the time of hurricane Katrina.
One day, Luke got a phone call from Jerome, a man from New Orleans who was a good friend of his dad.
He was asking Luke to come down and help search for his missing father.
After finally decided to go, he learns about the new life his father had had, and learns of a huge detail that was hidden from only him.
In other book news, I am now reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I read one of his other books, Paper Towns, which I liked a lot, so I suspect i'll like this one. So far, so good. Although I'm only on the 6th chapter. I'll tell you more about that later.
I finally got a notebook to use as my "writer's notebook" too. Before I actually went to buy it, I couldn't decide if I wanted a small journal-like notebook, or a regular spiral notebook. I ended up getting one bigger than I planned, but I like it. It's a 3 subject five star spiral notebook. It's blue with a cool design on the front cover, the back cover, the inside cover, and the folder things inside (different designs).
On the front page my aunt and I got bored drew random things on it. I'm keeping it in there. On the second page I'm keeping a list of all the books I read this year, since I have a goal to read 100 (which I'm kind of behind since I have only read two, but I can do it!)
The third page is an Idea I got from someone else's notebook. It's a song list. It will have every song I ever listened to while writing in it.
I don't know, I found it interesting :)
Then after that I will write. haha
I changed a few things on my blog music. I took off a few songs and added a few, nothing major.
I know a lot of blogger users add photos at the top of every post, I'm thinking I might start that. Right now I'm in the process of saving a lot of pictures I like. I already had two or three files of picture I liked and would use in the past, but I think I've had a change in picture styles :)
These past few days it's been super cold. Well colder than normal anyways. On Friday, we even got out of school because of the cold. I didn't know they did that...
I was pretty happy about it though, because That means we got a four day weekend, which is always wonderful! I really wish it would have snowed though.
On Thursday morning it started to snow and it was actually sticking! But at around noon the Sun started shinning and it all melted!
Not cool, Sun, not cool...
I might have said this already, but I'm not sure (even if I have, I haven't said much so..). This Thursday my Mom and Howard are going to Hawaii for a week. Yes, H-A-W-A-I-I! And I'm staying at home. My aunt Elizabeth, from Alabama, is coming to stay with me. She is also going to handle all the things my Mom does, like the stores and such, which I'll have to help against my will. Apparently since I've been around stores my whole life and I could basically manage my own, I'm the one who knows what to do and I have to help. So despite me hating going to the stores, for a whole week I have to go to both and help my Aunt close up. Ugh.
On the plus side, Elizabeth and I will actually be doing stuff; go to the movies, shop, out to eat, etc...
As much as I would love to stay and chat to myself, my life is rather boring and I don't have anything else that could be remotely interesting to say.
I don't talk about Austin much, because like I said, sometimes he wanders onto here and reads. And although I would rarely have anything bad to say, I find that just a little awkward.
Well since I have this lovely blog to document things, a week or two ago I looked when I first mentioned him; That was the first day we were a "thing". After I looked at it there, December 18th just sort of stuck in my mind (because I honestly would have no clue, especially since it doesn't feel that long)
Anyways... Today him and I have been together for a month, it really doesn't seem like that long! Like seriously. haha. But I'm guessing it's good it just flew by like that.
I think this is the longest i've been with anyone since Kyle, which 1: lasted for what fells like forever, and two I tend to break up with people a lot. I had reasons to break up with them though!
Okay well they weren't real reasons they were just not Kyle...
Which was a horrible reason because I don't know what the heck I was seeing!
Anyways... He is great and despite my sunset theory, I really hope it last.
Of course I'm me, and I doubt everything though. I can't really help it though...
Day by day, the doubts or slowly going away though; at least I think; or at least I hope. I hate doubting things. I don't even understand why I can't not doubt things if I don't want too, makes no sense...
Well before I ramble on about the same ol' thing for 20 minutes, I'm going to go.