Hello Hello. I am trying to convince Austin he should read Twilight.
Because one, he trys to talk about Edward Cullen, when he does not even know! Edward is Amazing! Note I capitalized the first letter is amazing :)
And see if he reads he can see just how great he is (meaning Austin)! To me, that's a great reason.
And the fact that he says he will never read, just makes me want to make him read.
He should. Everyone should read Twilight. How can you live in the 21st century and not have read Twilight?! haha
bleh bleh bleh
deja vu.
i asked my austin.
not my austin.
but the austin i know.
you know what i mean..
i asked Austin to read the twilight series and he did.
that's called relationship dedication..
until it falls apart.
but it wasn't because of that.
seduce him into reading them.
just kidding.
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