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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick Update

I don't have much time, but I thought I would update y'all real quick. In list form:

- So today I got my spacers in, they don't hurt at all! Everyone said they did? Oh well..

-Dr. Fergison is awesome!

-I slept for like a ton of hours last night, that's great for a change.

-I'm lacking comments on my post.. :(

-I got Itunes money, and just remembered! I can spend Itunes money faster than anyone you've ever met!

-I got my hair cut, well trimmed it's not a big deal.

-It's also parted different, but it always goes back the way it was :(

-I am officially ignoring Dekota. I know your reading this, so do yourself a favor and just leave me alone!

- I found out today I have bad grades, not really a surprise, but sad...i need to go study.

So on that note, Bye.

I'll have a long/real post soon.


a l i said...

im looking forward to that post Jamie!