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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
For Deni's Sake
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Okay . . . So It wasn't her who was talking to Amy. It was this girl who sat at our table name Autumn. She had no right to go off and talk about what was not even spoken to her.
For The Record
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Just so you guys know, I am not getting back with Kyle! I'm 99% sure I never will, and that 1% is because I believe anything could happen, but pretty much . . . it's not going to!
From your comments, you all basically agree that Kyle is no good. Well you know what? I love you all that much more now! Yall are smart people!
And yes, Austin is much much much better.
I couldn't imagine someone better!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Operation Procrastination
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So I have four one page history reports to turn in tomorrow. Progress?
Joseph Hooker- 100%
Nathan B. Forrest- 25%
The Battle of Franklin- 0%
The Battle of Nashville- 0%
Yeah yeah, i'll get to those later.
Anyways. Hi.
Today as been . . . ?
Well this morning before school I showed my mom my report card. I had brought up most of my grades, but there was still an F. She was mad and said I told you if there was an F i was taking away your phone! She didn't, but I'm kinda confused if she will later or not.
Then at school there has been drama. Why? The one and only Kyle Andrew Nevison.
I don't even won't the boy why is this happening!?
Well two days ago Kyle broke up with Amy. He's been talking about doing it forever, it's about time he finally did. I despise her. As you know, he has had the recent confessions of missing me, knowing he made a mistake, and still liking me. I was actually scared for a moment that I might get lost in insanity and start to like him again. But of course that idea flew right past me. By the way. Even if I did find any like for Kyle, it wouldn't matter. I love Austin and I'm happy with him. No one can take his place!
Back to the story . . .
Well everyone is talking about Kyle and I getting back together because, well everyone talked about that forever it just died down like 2 months ago. Now that his single and seen talking to me, everyone is gossiping their little heads off.
He's how I got caught up in the slight amount of drama. Please follow. (Girl drama. He said/ she said)
Well, I was talking to Deni and she said she was talking to Amy. Amy was asking about me talking to Kyle. Then she said he hated me and kyle said he was gonna give her another chance. When Deni told me this I just thought it was a huge joke because it is so not true. I might have got a little defensive too. Saying what Kyle said to me, and how for the past three weeks he's been talking about Amy and wanting to break up with her. He doesn't want her. If he was going to give her another chance, he wouldn't have broke up with her in the first place. I told Deni it was awfully funny that Kyle hates me, yet he had been talking to me every time I was around. I also said she should go and tell that to Amy. Then I joked around about how I SHOULD get Kyle to want me and then turn him down like me. Which the only reason he did that was because they thought Amy was pregnant! Oh yes people, she's 13. That is also a whole other reason why I don't want him. Anyways. Amy . . . don't like her.
Well apparently Deni can't keep her big mouth shut because she told Amy that I was planning on getting Kyle to want me to turn him down and the whole didn't break up with her because they thought she was pregnant. Well she told Kyle this, and also included "You better say something about this before I do!" HA that makes me laugh too . . . Anyways then Kyle told me that.
And I wonder why I hate people sometimes?
I am safely staying away from Kyle as best I can, by the way. So far he has asked to come over twice, and called once. Those always turn into a negative. As far as seeing him in class, and the occasional text I will communicate to him like any other person, because believe it or not I am genially a nice and friendly person to everyone.
Hopefully no updates soon.
I'm also still coming out with the camp post, soonish..
Friday, March 27, 2009
Life is Complicated
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Kyle and I have been talking the last couple days. Just random things really. About two days ago he was talking about how he wanted to break up with Amy, and how he screwed things up with me. I just kinda blew it off because, I didn't really want to have that conversation.
Then today were talking and this is a little excerpt of text.
Jamie- i'm bored now
Kyle- yeah me too
Jamie- say something random
Kyle- I actually miss you
Jamie- ... not exactly the random I was shooting for.
I don't want him back or anything it just makes me mad that after all that wasted time, he wants me now.
There may be more on this later. Who knows.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Home Sweet Home
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Today I came home.
My mom and Howard are fighting.
What's new?
No wonder I have so much excitement to be away for four weeks at camp.
I don't know how soon I'll get finished but I'm working on a post about camp. If I remember to say everything I should write, it will be long.
Brace yourself.
Edit: You will no longer hear about camp, thanks to Austin.
Camp Nak Here I Come
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wake Up Committee
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Some how I got put on the wake up committee. I'm suppose to make sure my dad and Austin are up by two. Why is everyone so lazy! :)
I didn't wake up till one...
But I went to sleep late. I was on the phone for five hours. Yeah...
Ha Apparently my dad heard me, because he asked how late I was on the phone.
I hope I don't get sick!!
My step-mom thinks she has the Flu. Ewwwww.
I'm gonna be maaaaad.
You can already see my anger :)
Okay everyone needs to eat a Whales cheese cracker. You haven't lived until you have!
They are the bomb with Sundrop, but that's only down south so yall just aren't good enough for Sundrop :)
Oh... The picture, that came from my stalker Dekota. I didn't even find it weird, I just laughed. He hasn't really been stalking me lately. Maybe he's on like a twelve step program, and he's on the "Admit you have a problem" stage.
Ha I crack myself up.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm A Horrible Daughter.
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I forgot to call my Mom and wish her a happy birth day yesterday. I actually talked to her twice, I just never realized it was the 23rd. It makes me so mad, because like on the 21st and 22st I looked at the date just so I would know exactly when it was and would not forget. Ugh.
Your horrible Jamie.
Your horrible Jamie.
Twilight- Six Times
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I have officially watched Twilight six times. I thought I would share these wonderful pictures with you all.
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Your Welcome :)
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Your Welcome :)
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's spring!
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I realized today, It was spring! It was like 75 degrees! I was so happy.
Today was a very good day.
I'm not sure what time I woke up, but I did lay in bed for 2 hours talking to Austin on the phone. :) Great, I know. Then, I had to get my lazy butt up. As far as my memory goes, I drank some sundrop, ate whales cheese crackers, and watched TV. TV consisted of The Ellen Show, Man Vs. Wild, and A Haunting.
Let's talk about A Haunting for a moment. Now let me say I do believe in the paranormal, but the little stuff. Like noises, things moving, etc. Like Ghost Hunters, That is a legit show. I believe it, and they have the evidence.
As for A Haunting, that show is just a big joke. But entertaining. On this show, people are telling their stories "of what happened", and they recreate it. Today I was only watching the end, and when I turned it to that channel they were talking about how they did something to make the entity mad. The whole family was sleeping in their living room, because they were scared. As they were drifting off to sleep the bookshelf started to shake. More and more by the second. Then, a book flew across the room. Then another book, and another. Before you know it tons of books were being throw across the room (there had to be at least 30) The next day, one of the family members got really sick, with a temp of 104 so they took her to the hospital. They found no cause for this, so they kept her overnight. While she was there the entity like took over her body, and apparently it was making her sicker. Then the priest showed up and was saying these prayers, that way only making her/it mad, so then he stuck this thing on her tongue and it just stopped. As all this was happening something similar was happening to the grand daughter. Finally the priest came to the house. He had blessed it, but they thought that wasn't enough. He wanted to perform an exorcism. Exorcisms can not be done on houses, only peoples. So they decided since one of the residents of the house had been taken over by the spirit (I know theirs a word for it, I just have no clue how to spell it lol) once, so they were hoping it would happen again so they could perform the exorcism on her to hopefully get rid of it. So she sits in this chair had they duck tape her arms, legs, and body to the chair so she could not hurt herself or others. Well of course, the thing took over her body. It was so creepy! I give props to the actress. She was like screaming and giving these evil looks and making these insane faces while trying to escape the chair. At one point she broke the legs of the chair and tried to attack the priest, five people had to hold her down. Then after it all was over the girl was all smiles. It was just weird. And extreme. But entertaining. Watch the Discovery channel kids, A Haunting.
After that my step mom, Jessi, and I went to pick up my little brother Eli and take him to "Baseball" practice. It was hilarious though. Please note, Eli is 3. So these kids are like 2-4. Eli is horrible to by the way. He has no attention span. It's like a 3 year old me.
It was warm outside so it wasn't too much wasting time in agony.
After that, we went to Taco Bell. It wasn't that great.
Since then we came home and I got on the internet.
I have two new addictions yall should know about.
1. Myspace Poker
2. Sugar by: Flo Rida
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Happy :)
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I haven't really done anything,
just a bunch of talking to Austin,
which has made me happy happy :)
I'll blog soon maybe,
I have a few things to say.
Be excited!
Okay... Not really,
It's not exciting.
Hey that kind of made a heart!
Wow, Megan is Great
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
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Waking up:
I had a dream about Austin. It wasn't exactly a good dream. We were at a boarding school. He was a jerk to me! He wanted to keep us a secret, and around people he was like mean to me! Grr.
I woke up, and my phone was dead. I'm so happy I got a new phone about 40 minutes ago!
Today we had an abbreviated schedule because of a softball game. So the was I order my classes, that's the way they happened.
1st period:
English. We took a test. It was easy. That's pretty much it.
2nd period:
Literature. We went over our TCAP review, and talked. Nothing to exciting.
3rd period:
History. We took a quiz.. I think. I don't even remember!
5th period:
Gym. I didn't feel good today! Danielle, Jessica, and I just sat in the break room again and talked. Then I went and sat on the bleachers by Deni and didn't really talk at all. I really felt bad.
4th period:
Science. This was kinda fun. We watched a video and had these little quizzes. I didn't miss any questions! Yay me. Haa oh and this guy Will keep asking Scarlett all these questions about girls and their periods. It was making John feel super awkward. He asked everything he could think of! Some of it was just the stupidest, funniest, yet serious things. lol
6th period:
Math. I suppose it wasn't too important, because I don't remember.
We had humbuggers and they were actually kind of good! Especially the pickles! Pickles are amazingly yummy.
After lunch we started walking to the softball game. The wind was blowing and I was already dreading it, because I was already getting cold! The sun was also out (my nose is sun burnt! ugh!) Once I was a little warmer I went to the concession stand and got a mountain dew and a ring pop. I sat on a small bleacher, at the top turned around where my legs were hanging off. It was me, Deni, Katy, Carson, Ashley, Andy, Brittany, Breanna, Hannah, Austin (not mine.), Cody, and occasionally caleb (he should have just stayed away.)
Caleb is very... touchy. Today he reached a new extreme. So I was sitting up there, like I said, and Caleb come up in front of me. He got has close as he possibly could, which consisted of him being in between my legs with his arms around my waste "Caleb! Move." I rolled my eyes. "No, you know thats really hot (I had my ring pop.)" "Ew" I just stopped eating it. He laughed then trying to lay up against me. Then I was trying to move away from him, which didn't work. He just picked me up and held me. It was completely inappropriate. The was he picked me up my legs were around him and his hands were on my waste and under my butt. "Caleb put me down now! Why do you think I never want to hang out with you! Put. Me. Down." Again he just laughed and the started moving me up and down. I heard Breanna say "Oh my gosh, Jamie is getting raped!" Everyone was basically like woah. So finally I get down and I'm all mad at Caleb and start to walk away. He follows. "Hey, wanna go over there and make out?" I stop and just look at him, with this look. After a few seconds pass I say "Are you kidding me? NO." I believe I was asked this about four times. He keep being all touchy and saying all these perverted things. When we were walking back I hit him were it hurts :) He fell to the ground and I just keep walking (please note, this is like the third time I've hit him there, so people just never learn.)
Cody was then beside me telling me how that wasn't nice and just talking. He also likes me, but doesn't do anything like Caleb. He's actually kind of sweet (I would never like him though.) I think I just realized how much more great Austin is.
The bus was fun like normal. Kim, Krista, and I were listening to Ipods and talking about various things. Kim also had chocolate icing. Yum :)
I came home and packed my things to go to my Grandmothers and my Dad's. Then my mom, Howard, and went to Ruby Tuesdays. It wasn't the best food ever. Then, I talked my mom to going to Verizon which was across the street, instead of waiting till Saturday. I got a new phone, and now I'm so much happier! Then I went to my Grandmother's store, but soon left to go with my Aunt and little cousins. We went to the grocery store, and then to my grandma's house. I got Peeps from the grocery store! Yum. But SOMEBODY ate most of them. Grr I hate my cousins most of the time. Some of my friends were over for a little bit, and we decided to play with the little kids. Hide-and-seek. I rock at that game. haa.
We all sat around joking, then finally we went to sleep. Actually I wanted till everyone was asleep so I could talk to Austin :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Jamie In Full Force
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Here lately I feel I have been in a funk. I feel lazy. Ugh, I hate that feeling. So I have made this wonderful decision to become full force again (hints the title). Some of this I mentioned in a previous post today, but I will repeat it anyways. I am not only writing this here to tell you, but to tell myself. What I mean by that is if I write it here, I'm more likely to be like "I said I was going to do it, so I'm going to do it!" It's part of my therapeutic connection with my blog, I suppose.
The most important right now is school. I really need to start kicking butt at school! That includes doing my homework and studying. I've sort of neglected this part of school. Since I did some serious damage to my history grade, I have to do some serious work to fix it. That means from now until April 3rd i'll be doing as any many one page reports on battles and generals from the Civil War as I can. There's 43 of them I can do, so I'm positive I won't run out.
I'm going to start reading again. It's not really something I have to make myself do, because I enjoy it. I want to read. I guess I just had a dry spell in that area, but i'll be more than happy to welcome it back.
I've said this more than once I know. I feel my I don't put as much effort into my blog as I did. I love my blog, and I really want to make sure I stay dedicated to it.
I use to run everyday then just stopped. I'm in a better mood, and I just all together feel better when I do.
This is cliche, but eating healthier. For a moment I was eating so healthier and I hardly ever ate junk food or drank sodas. Now I feel like I always am, and I don't like that.
I want to write again. In ways this one is important, yet the hardest. For me this really does take dedication, but I enjoy it. I've had lots of ideas lately, too. Just haven't been able to put them to work.
Has anyone happened to find my life? I think I lost it. Besides school, I feel like I have neglected my friends. Well, not completely. I don't, that makes me sound like a bad friend. I'm just not like I use to be. Before I was busy busy busy. I like that.
This could possibly sum up all of these. Stop neglecting things. Every single one of these things were caused by me neglecting it. And that was just what I thought of in a quick time! In a way it feels pathetic. I also need to make sure I don't let Austin distract me from things. He can be quite the distractions.
Jamie clean up your act! :)
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Run through of my day
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Waking Up:
I woke up at 6:30 and I did not want to go to get out of bed! Unfortunately, I had to.
1st period:
English. Boring. We took a pre-test and we turned in some homework. That's basically it.
2nd period:
Literature. Like always, for the first few minutes of class we just talked. We being me, Amber, Colby, Morgan, Blake, Gabriella, Katey, and Mark. Yeah :) It's pretty great. Amber and I are always joking around. It's hilarious, i'll try to remember some funny highlights next time to share. Then we went to the library. My library books have been on my bookshelf since December. When they were due. I really wanted a book (yeah dorky me) so I made Amber agree to check out a book for me. We walked around a few minutes and I found a book I wanted. I forget the name, and It's not with me at the moment. We sat down and talked some more, then started walking back to class. As we were walking the high school bell rang to change classes. As the halls were filling, Amber and I walked by a random class room and heard a loud obnoxious boy. "Duuuuuuuddddeeeeee!" We looked over and saw him grab his books and rush by everything in his path. He looked so stupid, we couldn't help but laugh. Then I started mocking him and making him sound even dorkier. We were cracking up! lol. We soon got back to the room and we're still making jokes about it.
Homeroom/Study Hall:
We got report cards. My grades are better than they were before, but I still have F's. Some how my science grade was an 84! That's amazing. I'm sure you think it's not, but on progress reports, 4 1/2 weeks ago it was a 58! The only thing I really need to worry about is my History class. I have an average of 69 in there. So for the next nine weeks I need at least like a 75ish. I can do it. I plan to do plenty of extra credit. In fact, I got the perfect idea for extra credit. Today we got assigned reports in there, and got a whole list of people and battles to do. I'll just do a couple! Studying would probably help too :)
3rd period:
History. Well I pretty much told you about the exciting history news. Except, we had a fire drill. It was a little chilly, too!
4th period:
Science. We did brain pop as a class. As lame as it is it was actually kind of fun.
Grilled chicken sandwich and a fudge bar. Ahhh it was okay.
5th period:
Gym. Fun as always! My thighs are killing me though! :) It all started out with us talking about Danielle making cheer. Then she started talking about how her legs were sore from the couch making them do tons of toe touches, oh my gollys, and run. Oh, I'm sure you have no clue what oh my gollys are but oh my golly! :) I use to have to do them not fun. Luckily, they didn't bother me as much as some other people. Anyways.. Then I was like oh I haven't done a toe touch in a while, do yours! So she did and I did. Then in a way we were kind of making fun of this girl named Kristal. I know it's mean, but at the moment it's funny! She has this short hair style that's for someone in the mid 30's, she is always wearing cloths that she thinks is fashionable and again it's thinks people in there 3o's- 40's would wear! She trys to be cool and preppy, but she is no where near it! She also walks strange and everything she does is kind of funny (like when she plays basketball, vollyball, taking pictures, etc.) Anyways. Danielle and I wear joking around doing cheers and jumps like we thought she would do them. We were laughing so hard! Then we got Kristal to come over there and do it with us. At this point we were being serious and we showed her the counts and how to do a toe touch. Wow. It was worse than we imagined! We continued while being flexible, doing random jumps, and wonderful round off. Doing repeated toe touches and hill stretches made my legs semi-sore (not anymore, but I'm sure they will be later, i'll tell why in a moment) After that Danielle and I rode the scooters. Actually scooter. Someone was riding the other so there was only one. So we rode it together, which we are getting pretty talented at! We still have occasional scares of running into things! We took turns pushing, and like I said our legs were both sore! So pushing with one foot, both our weight was a little work. Haa, well it wasn't that bad. Then we just said the heck with it and sat down in the break room. It was dark and no one was back there. We were talking about Austin(s) and these other guys. Then out of the corner of our eye we saw something sticking out of a doorway. It was in mid air and it looked like someone was just holding it out, but you couldn't see them. It was even moving, and it was just like "Look at me!" Haa! We didn't know what it was but it was hilarious! It turned out to be the soccer couch holding out a weed eater. Still we laughed for like 5 minutes straight. We were laughing about laughing at some point. We were purposely making weird noises as we laughed and it made things 10x funnier! Then Jessica found us and we just sat there and talked. We also threw pennies and the wall. Haa.
6th period:
Math. I. AM. BACK. :) We were doing TCAP review, and I was answering almost ever question first, and getting them right. Like it use to be :) Even Mrs. Whitworth noticed. Has I clicked in my answer first, when she saw that she smiled, which made me smile. Then a few seconds later she started talking about how when I take my TCAP test I did to really focus because when I do my abilities really shine and she knows that's what I'm capable of always. She said other stuff too, but it all amounted to I'm amazing at math :D By the way, I think I am the only person who gets competitive at math. I might go in to that some other day. grr.
The Bus:
Krista and I talked and listened to my ipod. I also had a run in with the bus driver. These little kids toward the front were all in a group singing the barbie girl song. Tyler was yelling at them to stop, and they just laughed and continued. Then Krista started telling them. She was getting mad, because when all of us in the back we're joking around singing we all got yelled at. Then I was just being annoyed. So I started at them, but I think I yelled it a little louder I suppose "Hey! Stop singing. Now. It is annoying and obnoxious and completely unnecessary! If we get yelled at for singing or being loud so are you! Be quite! and Stop singing that stupid song! Ugh."
Then the bus driver was all like " Hey, why are you yelling! Come here now." So I did. She said why I can't, and I told her why I did and why I should have. Yeah, I won that argument.
Other Thoughts:
The last day or so, doing all this stretching and stuff makes me want to start running again. I love being a huge dork and loving math again. I really want to start reading again. I really loved writing out a blog post. I want to be the complete Jamie again. I think I will :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's All White Austin! :D
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---------------------------------------------------- there----:)-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Garlic Cheese Pizza Anyone? -Yeah, Didn't think so
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Wasn't there a time when school lunches were half decent? What has happened to the world? By the way, that was the best choice today.
I thought to be classified as pizza, you had to have sauce? This was bread, cheese, and garlic. Ick.
Today was a good day I suppose. I was in a good mood. I even said good bye to my bus driver, Mrs. Hitchcock. That's major.
Of course I had a good reason to be in a good mood , today Austin and I have officially been together for three months today :)
We did watch this horrible play though. It was called Fools. Gah, It was stupid and you couldn't understand them because one they were acting stupid and two they were talking in accents.
In English, for over half the class we had no teacher. It was awesome. Then Mrs. Jackson came, and it was still fun.
We got to miss History due to the play thankfully. I didn't have to worry about falling asleep. Which reminds me, I wasn't sleepy today! I only had about three hours of sleep though. Wow.
Oh well. I'm happy with that, staying up to talk to Austin is worth it.
Today in gym we were being all flexible doing the splits and back bends and our round outs and other random flips.
Danielle was during her try-out cheers and we were doing our old dances. Sad.
It makes me want to do cheer again. Ha. I really don't miss it though. But still. :)
I just realized I am starving. Nothing really exciting happened today, so your not going to miss out on anything after I leave.
Bye. :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Another Reason to Love My Blog
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Well I just skimmed through my blog for no reason.
I found some pretty interesting things though.
It's funny how I can look back and see where I was talking about things, and you didn't know I was :)
Like Austin, before I really mentioned him.
Or my thing with Mark and Kevin.
Then the kyle thing when I didn't mention his name, although i'm sure the loyal blog readers knew.
Okay so boys. lol
But it's weird how I can tell about when things started, and they ended.
Kevin ended the whole Kyle thing. Mostly.
Then Mark ended the Kevin thing. He was a playa. He had a girlfriend. I kinda knew that too. But It didn't really stop me. Bad Jamie.
Austin stopped the Mark thing. He was a little weird anyways.
Who's gonna stop Austin :D Haa. Kidding! No one will stop him. Hopefully. lol. It'd be hard.
EDIT: People, no one will stop the Austin thing :p I'm sure of it.
Me :)
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I got this idea from Megs. I own all these items, and I kind of had to go, so I could not make it better. But here :)
Quite nifty don't you think?
Me :) - by Jamie09white on
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
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I was going to post just now, but I spent like half an hour explaining Twilight books to Austin.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Freshman Classes :)
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Oh Yeah!
On Monday I chose my classes!
For all my Forrest readers, and who ever else cares, here my classes more than likely.
English 1
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Algebra 1 a
Algebra 1 b
Physical Science
Driver's Ed/ Health
Updates, yo.
Posted by
Haha.... don't ask.
Well, well. We lost :( 39 to 56.
I know almost all losing teams say this, but IT WAS SOOO THE REF'S FAULT! grr.
It was all fun though (till we lost)
Wednesday: I went to first period English and we watched video's of us winning state in 2005, and just talked.
Then we had a pep rally.
It was amazing, and we played a game of Ships and Sailors (does anyone even know what that is? I might explain later!)
I was chosen for one of the ten from my grade. I lost sort of quick. lol Stupid caption and his at ease.
After that ever one who was attending the game was dismissed and I rode the pep bus with Lauren. We looked awesome in our black shirts, with a blue FMS Rockets written on it, jeans and converse. On the way to MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) We played our made up game, House, Barn, or Shed. LOL.
It all started when we saw this barn that had glass windows and was actually a house! ha. It was similar to the Hobo game we play when we go to Nashville :) haha Good Times, Good Times.
While I was there I drank a Pina Colada, ate dippin' dots, and ate pizza! It was all yum ha, and Apparently I'm a fatty!
Which reminds me, Austin is a fatty! :D
haha.... Him and his friend took the King Kong Pizza challenge. Eat a 32 in. pizza in 30 minutes. Although they had a huge failure! lol Apparently there was too much grease, Who would've known!
By the way, I have been exhausted thanks to Austin! Yesterday, I finally got sleep though. When I came home, I got in the shower and went straight to sleep. Although I woke up at like two and talked to him! Today I tried to sleep in English and I couldn't! It was tragic.
Oh- Tomorrow We're having a baseball game during school, so yay to getting out of class! *Yay*
Oh Oh- I have to go, but I'll post this, and maybe more later!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Go Rockets!
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They is only three games left till we find the state champs, and we're still in.
On Wednesday we get to leave school, or ride the pep bus (like me :]) to MTSU where we are having a game. So exciting!
So Wednesday will be so much one.
Go to school. Pep Rally. Pep bus. THE game (okay well not quite THE game, yet. lol.) We will win!!!
If we don't.....
Our whole school will be crushed :(
Lady Rockets, do us proud! :)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Posted by
"Do I dazzle you?"
"Only a vampire can love you forever"
"He called you pretty,
That's practically an insult,
the way you look right now.
You're much more than beautiful."
"I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I want to spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby, I'm amazed by you"
"It's better to cross the line
and suffer the consequences
than to just stare at that line for the rest of your life"
"When you feel like giving up on someone,
remember why you held on for so long."
"Anyone can make you cry, but it takes a special someone to make you smile, when you
already have tears in your eyes."
"If I had a nickel for every guy I met like you I would have... five cents."
"Distance never separates two hearts that actually care."
Dear Tummy,
Sorry about all the butterflies...
its not my fault, I swear!
its his :) "
"All of the best love stories have one thing in common,
you have to go against all the odds to get there."
"You don't know how often I find myself thinking about you,
It's not an obsession,
It's just so incredible how someone so far away can have the affect on you that you can touch my heart in a way only you do."
"The best part about procrastination
is that you are never bored,
because you have all kinds of things that you should be doing"
"My soul was remover to make room for all this sarcasm"
"Personally, I believe in payback.
letting people screw you over is just
Lazy and Uncreative."
"Maybe we should develop a crayola bomb as our next secret weapon.
A happiness weapon, a beauty bomb
and every time a crisis developed, we would launch one.
It would explode high in the air,
explode softly and send thousands, millions, of little parachutes into the air,
floating down to earth, boxes of crayolas and we wouldn't go cheap, either..
not little boxes of eight but boxes of sixty-four,
with the sharpener built right in.
With silver and gold and copper, magenta and peach and lime, amber and umber
and all the rest and people would smile
and cover the world with imagination."
Enough for now :)
Posted by
Over it
Over it
Not so happy
Getting happy
Over it
Who cares.... I don't.
Gives up
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Good Times, Good Times; && Such
Posted by

(L to R: me, Jessica, Danielle)

Danielle :)

Jessica :)

Ugh... Me
lol Danielle, Austin, Jessica, and me (lol he was just there so we put him in the pic, he's not very happy)
My pretty much little sister Krista, on the bus

Krista :)

Me :)
Today Was Great! Really, a great day!
I woke up at 6:04 when The bus comes at 6:10, but great day!
I made a 97 on a 60 question science chapter test! YEAH BABY!
I got a demerit in Mr. Holt's class for sleeping. OH well.
Gym was great like always. Danielle, Jess, and I were styling our pink sunglasses from Burger King as you see :) Krista just styled my pair on the bus :)
I took my English exam. Easy-peasy.
I uploaded new pics on myspace. That's always good :)
Just got a rush of excitement because of my wonderful blog, and all the people who read. I love my blog :) Possibly more than anything ;) haa.. well almost
I'm staying the weekend with my grand mother and will probably hang out with my cousin.
This weekend there will be a special blog post :) :) :) :)