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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another Reason to Love My Blog

Well I just skimmed through my blog for no reason.
I found some pretty interesting things though. 
It's funny how I can look back and see where I was talking about things, and you didn't know I was :) 
Like Austin, before I really mentioned him. 
Or my thing with Mark and Kevin.
Then the kyle thing when I didn't mention his name, although i'm sure the loyal blog readers knew.
Okay so boys. lol
But it's weird how I can tell about when things started, and they ended. 
Kevin ended the whole Kyle thing. Mostly. 
Then Mark ended the Kevin thing. He was a playa. He had a girlfriend. I kinda knew that too. But It didn't really stop me. Bad Jamie.
Austin stopped the Mark thing. He was a little weird anyways.
Who's gonna stop Austin :D Haa. Kidding! No one will stop him. Hopefully. lol. It'd be hard.

EDIT: People, no one will stop the Austin thing :p I'm sure of it.