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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Insanity; You are not welcome here

I. Am. Going. Crazy.

Eli will not shut up or leave me alone! He won't leave the dogs alone either and I have to keep yelling at him. He is so dang annoying.
On top of that, I so very badly want new music on my ipod. Next time I come near an Itunes card, I'm going to buy it! Hopefully anyways.
I want it now though! Music helps everything, by the way.

Music is the answer.


Aisyah Mazelan said...

When I get stressed, I usually crave for food. I know that it's not good. But it makes me feel better. :)

Anonymous said...

you know jamie, sometimes, sometimes music sucks. it has too much of that emotion and brings back to many hearfelt fears, memories, remembrances. but most of the time, music is nice. but it bites. be careful