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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Beginnings

    Wow, a new blog. How refreshing. 
  For some reason, I decided to make a new blog. It's much like my old, just newer. I will no longer be writing in the other, and when I become brave enough, I'll delete it. I think I might want to read through It once more. 
  It's funny how different you find things in just a few months. Usually when I go back to things I wrote a while ago, I either don't remember writing it, have no clue why I said that, changed my opinion, or just simply go back to a happy memory. It’s quite enjoyable.
  I believe I took a little break from blogger, as for a reason I'm not so sure. At first, I didn't really have time or my internet was not working. Then, I just kind of forgot about it or didn't feel like it. I also have to add I probably didn't have anything to say, because either it was just something I couldn't say, or my life was just boring like usual.
  Now I'm back, and refreshed. That means frequent blogging, and not the short pathetic post either. School Is out in a couple days, so that means summer. Summer is always more interesting than “At school today...” anyways. 
  I suppose first, I’ll update the people who previously read my other blog. 
  My cute little puppy, that was for some reason anonymously named Dwight to the blogger world, isn’t exactly my puppy anymore. We still have it until we find it an owner though. My mom brought up many times how I didn’t have time for a puppy and she didn’t want to deal with it, that I should get rid of it. So finally, I just agreed. 
  I mentioned this before, but I made the soccer team, so that’s great. Starting July that will be a big part of my summer. Along with working and just hanging out. As for vacations, if anything it won’t be anything big. 
  I just thought for some reason, I should update on Austin (probably because he just texted me and I thought about it). Him and I are better than ever of course. Soon to be together for five months, on the 18th. That’s excited I think anyways. It seems like a long time, but at the same time it seems like it isn’t and it went by fast. It’s hard to explain I guess. I couldn’t imagine anything happening to stop us anytime soon.
  My “best friend” Lauren, isn’t so much my best friend anymore. Nothing happened really, like a fight or anything, things have just changed. She’s changed I think, heck maybe I’ve just changed. Actually, I’ve noticed a lot of people have been changing. As for the me and Lauren thing though, we don’t really hang out anymore, she doesn’t even hang out with the same group of people as much as she use too. We don’t really talk either.
  I’ve been hanging out with Carson much more lately, like I use to last year. She’s a really great and fun friend. I’ve also been becoming better friends with Katey. Then, I’m actually beginning to like Stacy. To come to think of it, all three of these girls I was friends with before, but we became better friends since soccer try-outs. We’re all on the team. I have also became friends with Andi, Holly, and Rosalyn who are also on the team. Which it’s great we’re all friends. I am seriously just thinking to myself “wow, I hang out with a lot of new people.” I could add on the list Ashley, and Deni (well we were kind of friends before, but more so now. Although we just like to be mean to each other. It’s complicated.) 
  Ironically, from what I just said, I’m just nice to a lot of new people and we became friends. Who ever would have thought of such a thing? I have even been talking to Amy  She still dislikes me though I think, because she’s been talking to Kyle about me. She also dislikes Lauren, but is still new best friends with her. She thinks Kyle and Lauren like each other, which is very comical. 
  Apparently, he is still liking him some Jamie though. He’s asked me a few times about if I would ever get back with him, or if I would ever break up with Austin for him. Such things like that, which have always been answered in Austin favor. Of course he’s also just came out and said he liked me. It’s strange to just think about now, and then think about them. My feelings for him have changed a lot, yet stayed the same in some ways (no one have a heart attack it’s nothing serious) I think I have just finally come to the point where I can look at him as a friend and have respect for him again. I think It also helped that we talked about everything that happened.
  I suppose that’s enough talking about people. I guess that also updates the people who have never read my log, so that’s great 
  I hope to see comments from Meg, Jen, Katelyn, and Ash hopefully along with others.
To add the typical Jamie smiley I have tried so hard not to use —> :) 


Anonymous said...

thank you. its about time. :]

PS i'll miss dwight.

♥Jamie! said...

Haa Won't we all :)
I'm very happy to be back!

katelyn said...

welcome back! haha i very much like your new blog:)

meg. said...

i am still upset with you.

but i guess i will read still.

Aisyah Mazelan said...

yeah! you're back!

Unknown said...

you haven't talked about me lately and i don't like it