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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hello, Blogger!

Today I am in an expectantly good mood. At the very moment I am lying in my bed relaxing, while typing this post that for some odd reason I am excited about. 
This morning I woke up at 3:51 am and found my door wide open, can somebody say creepy? Creepy! I asked everyone in the house today if they opened it and everyone said no. So basically, I could have died last night!
After about an half an hour I went back to sleep and woke up around 9 am. I logged on to Yahoo! Messenger and talked to a few people for a while. Then, I was in the mood to eat some yummy salsa and chips. Yummy!
After that my Pawpaw(a.k.a Grandpa :]) Brought me home. I did not really do anything after that besides listen to the Twilight soundtrack on my ipod touch, watch Sxephil on Youtube, and logged on to Blogger. I'm still doing all those things actually :] My mom just left and I hope she goes to Wally World (sp?), because I asked her to buy me the book "Paper Towns" by John Green, if she did. I have really been wanting to read that book lately. Which reminds me, I was finally going to read "The Notebook" but I left it at my grandparents house, darn!
Anyways, Back to Paper Towns and John Green. I was looking at some thing about them on the internet and John Green is a nerdfighter :] Which is AWESOME! No, really. Ha. There website, Nerdfighters,
which I have only been on for five minutes, seems cool :] Check it out. Oh, by the way, I AM A NERDFIGHTER! Woot-woot! haha :]
Oh and you will hear this again coming near the new year, but I am setting myself a reading goal this year. I think it will be 100 books! Even to me that sounds a little crazy, but if I can read the entire Twilight Saga in ten days, I think I can do it. Besides I love, love, love to read. It's only 8 1/2 books a month! I can do it! Anyone want to set a reading goal with me?? :] It'll be fun! I will also have many other new year goals, which I usual never have, but hopefully it'll make 2009 better. Although, 2009 WILL be better because of Obama! Boo, all you haters! :]
Oh by the way, I just got the sad text message that my mother is not going to Walmart, so she can't buy me the book, darn! Maybe I'll get it soon though. 
Whoa, I am happy right now! Well, hyper is probably the word. 
I talked to Kyle on Saturday via text for the first time in a week, I decided I was not going to communicate to him unless he talked to me first. I was in a good mood, like now, and he noticed. This is about how the conversation went (using good grammer :]) :
Kyle: I'm on myspace lol (he is never on myspace.)
Jamie: Lol oh wow, why?
Kyle: Ugh, cause I felt like it.
Jamie: Um, okay then! So how's life lol?
Kyle: Okay I guess, you
Jamie: Wonderful!! Lol i'm hanging out with some gangster kids! That is defiantly going to add some points to my rep :]  jk!
Kyle: You seem like your in a good
Jamie: That's because I am! Ha, I'm always in a good mood lately, you would know that if you talked to me!
Kyle: So are we friends?
Jamie: What did you think I hated you or something? lol
Kyle: Ugh, pretty much
Jamie: Nah, I didn't hate you, just didn't like you :] lol
Kyle: Oh, well I have to go. ttyl
Jamie: Alrighty, Bye.

So yes, that's basically how it went. I still don't really care if I talk to him though. 
BREAKING NEWS: (ha I really wanted to say that :]) Kyle just texted me! Again! Wow, that boy is on a roll, two days in a row. 
And yet again he brings up my good mood, I wonder if he will ever realize it might be because i'm over him??
That felt good :] I think I'll repeat it.

Ladies and Gents, I'm over Kyle!     

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wonderful Day :]

Today was oh-so-wonderful, beside the hour and a half sleep I got! 
Top Ten highlight of My Day:(because i'm sleepy!)
1. I spent all day talking to him :]
2. Turkey! Need I say more? :]
3. I hung out with some gangster kids.
4. I taught the gangster kids to play Wii. :]
5. I got a new blog follower.
6. I ate a Reese Cup.
7. Okay, I ate two! :]
8. I printed out my 16 page, four chapters to give to a family friend to read. :]
9. I plan to write a long post tomorrow.
10.And finally I get to sleep.....Goodnight!

The Time

**Sorry my post have been so short lately! 

Yes, You are correct it is four in the mourning. I have not been asleep, nor do I plan on it. We were not able to start making food for Thanksgiving dinner, which is tomorrow(or today), until 12. So I can't sleep when others are up, it's just a bad habit of mine. So, I am reading. "The Notebook" I always wanted to read it, but never came around to it, so I guess this is the perfect time. Also I am going to start writing on my reason attempt at a novel soon. I think I have recovered from writer's block. So please, wish me luck! I printed out the first four chapters, and it was 16 pages printed. 
I'm guessing you will get a long post about my day tomorrow night.
Have a great Saturday! 

Friday, November 28, 2008

Writing Prodigy

Today someone called me that, it made me happy :] that means I'm good.
Apparently, I also attempted to write books when I was younger, although I don't remember. 

Tomorrow is the time when we are having Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmothers. Right now, that's where I am. I have been here since late Thursday. Howard (mom's ex) is now home with my mom again and I am not speaking to him. My Mom is so stupid for doing this, and there still going to count, which makes no sense. 

Here lately, I've been thinking of starting a new story. I know I already have two started, but I have a slight problem with finishing. When I say slight, I mean I have never finished one. Ugh, there is something wrong with me!

This just came to mind, so it's just a tad bit random, I think I would really like to be a teacher. Preferably, an English or Literature teacher. I think that may end up what I do. Maybe on my free time I can write a book :]
Just to let you know, everyone who is reading this, you better buy my book!! Ha, just kidding, it's not like it's ever going to happen. 

Guess What??   *What?*   211 days until my birthday!! Ha along time, huh?

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Well today I have been spending my invaluable time on Quizilla I use to be addicted to this website, but then just stop visiting it. Well, I think the addiction is coming back :]

There's another thing to add to "Reasons Why I'm A Dork" list.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

      Yes, Yes I did. Okay, well maybe I did not cry, but I was pretty sad. Do you know how awesome it would be to go to Hogwarts? To have magical powers? VERY awesome! Well, except the risk of getting killed, but I think i'd take my chances. 
Heck, there would not even have to be a Hogwarts, just magical powers :]
Today was pretty boring.

Harry Potter

Well today I woke up, and did pretty much nothing for an hour or so. Then, I decided I would have myself a Harry Potter marathon. I am pretty excited to see Cedric[aka Rob Pattinson (aka Edward)] I just four movies to go until I get there :]
I just started the first one, and ordered pizza. Today will be a relaxed, lazy day for me. :] It will be quite enjoyable. 

*I would just like to note, tomorrow is Thanksgiving :] So here are my 10 things I'm thankful for off the top of my head:
1. All the obvious stuff, ha
2. Family and Friends
3. candy, ha
4. dreams
5. Sundrop
6. good books
7. smoothies
8. my laptop :]
9. internet :]
10. blogger :]

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Happy Birthday Megan!
I'm not sure if i'm a day early, a day late, or right on time, but the point is happy birthday :]
I hope you have a great 16
Make sure to make a wish!

You mean someone actually read it?!

Well as I have mentioned before I use to have a blog on another account. I also followed Megan and Sidney back then too. I would comment on there blogs sometimes too.
Here lately they have commented mine, and I was wondering to myself "Why did they not say anything before?" So I decided to go onto my old account to look. I had maybe four from Meg and one from Sid. They actually read my blog, SOMEONE actually read my blog before! Ha Ha it blows my mind, I thought I was a blogger loser that had blogs no one read! 

Five days!

Yes! We are out of school for five days! I am defiantly thankful for that, I need it. 

Anyways I would just like to point out the horrible fact, this is my second time writing this post! Ugh, stupid stolen wireless internet :]
Well here are the highlights of my day, both negative and positive. (Red for negative, Blue for positive)
I woke up at 6:30-In English we were allowed to move to a different seat and talk the whole class. I slept.- In Lit we are watching "Tex" it's a good movie so far. In History, we are also watching a movie, it's horrible. I slept, again.- Lauren and I sang songs using Na-Na-Na's, ha.- In science we had a little bit of work, which was fine because we did it as a table, then we talked the whole time.- In Lunch, I was laughing so hard, I spit out my Slushie! I have no memory of what was so funny though.- In Gym, the Highschoolers came in there and I talked to Kevin almost the whole time.. :] - Math we had to do 102 problems.- We had a sub, so that means it was just busy work, which means it will be thrown away when Mrs, Whitworth comes back.- I only did half.- No one finished.- On the bus we were have how normally, wonderful discussions.- I was turned around talking, so I got moved to the front with the little kids. Four of us got moved.- Krista, a bestie of mine, also got moved and was in the seat across from me.- Then, I'm here on blogger!

It looks as if my day was pretty good :]

Monday, November 24, 2008

Where's the love?

No where to be found, that's where. Even worse, I think it's going to be that way for a while.

 It is just moments after, the mentioned, unmentioned subject. Him. I know for a fact that I don't want him anymore, but just thinking about all the things said, the past, the love, the hate, the tears, It all just makes me feel terrible. It was all for nothing and I feel ashamed for having thoughts of him. It's one of the rare things, I wished never happened. I guess in ways it's my fault, if you reference to the saying " It happens once, shame on you. It happens twice, shame on me." Well, you broke my heart once, shame on you. You broke my heart twice, shame on me. 
I have now become a pessimist of love. Along with you, I feel that no one wants me. No one ever will.

Every night at 11:11, I wished for him. Now, every night at 11:11, I wish I'd never got the smallest bit of what I had of him.


It's time for an update.
For my short christmas list I know what i'm asking for:
-A smoothie maker (Yummy)
-A smoothie recipe book (needed!)
-A new book bag and/or purse
-Books or Amazon gift card for books
-Itunes giftcard

That's all! I think this will be the simplest christmas ever, that's all I want.
-Unless Santa Clause can bring me a pretty new colored dell laptop. Which he won't because I have a perfectly fine Dell Inspiron 6000 :] I have to say I love it.

The highlights of my day:
- A friend of mine had the Twilight Soundtrack so I borrowed it to put on Itunes. Thanks Andi. 
- We watched movies in two classes. Included the end of The Outsiders (Soda Pop is.. Pretty :]), the beginning of Tex, and some random movie in History that I did not really watch. 
-He was not there.
-I got a comment on my blog.
-The thought that I have blogger friends came to mind :]
- Some how I started watching H2O and I actually got into it, ha.
- I ate Goldfish cheese crackers
- In math, I read my friend's Chicken Soup for teenage souls, love stories. They were sweet. 

My day did not really have bad... I take that back. I ended up disliking 2 people today. Because of there immaturity and  annoyance [(is that a word??)..maybe]. 
Other than that though, the day was good. So i'll end on a good note.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Total Rip-Off

So yeah, I totally just ripped off Meg's idea of her old private, love blog. I even used the header she made (Which is awesome, just like the rest of them) Megan just comes up with great ideas :] Hopefully she'll just find it cool, and not annoying :]
Oh and don't try to go to it, it's invite only, and no one is invited. 
I though I'd just tell you all this, because i'm happy about it. It was needed, I kept getting the urge to write what should not be saw.

Christmas List

JanSport SuperBreak Pack  *

OR- Amazon or Itunes giftcards
*The most wanted gifts
May be continued


I just found myself thinking about happiness. Am I happy? That’s the question that repeated in my mind. You might find this stupid, but for me it’s complicated. There’s a lot of mixed feelings with things. It’s either one or the other, I’m happy or I basically hate life. I actually had to think about this too.
I decided that I’m happy. I thought I would just fill you all in on the happiness. 
My past was not the greatest. I know for a fact I hated life then. Everything seemed to be horrible or getting that way. Family, friends, school, you name it. Almost every night I would cry myself to sleep either because of people at school, or my dad being in Iraq, or just because of hatred toward myself. 
Things have somewhat changed. I have these friends, they are pretty amazing. 
There is Lauren. She is my best friend, we became friends in the 7th grade. At first I did not think I was going to like her, but I ended up doing so. We had every single class together and there were some fun 7th grade memories. Now we only have one class together, but were still besties.
Then there is Carson. We did not start hanging out until the very end of last year. We have had our stupid fights, and we have had our moments were it’s the perfect friendship. We become better friends every day. 
Next is Ariel. She is my smart friend :] We have been friend’s since 6th grade, but we have defiantly had our up’s and downs. I think we have both grown into new people and become better friends. She is a little different from my other friends, but I hope we stay friends for a while. 
Then there is Deni. We became friends this year. I knew her in the past, but I kind of dis-liked her, ha. Now things are good between us though. Since Charity has moved away, she is one of my new gym buddies :]
Nathan is even found on this list. He is defiantly a good person to talk to. Well, he is more of a listen, ha, but then again I don’t really give him a choice :] I just sort of vent to him and expect him to listen, haha. On the bus he makes things a little better, although our bus sucks. Oh- I like to call him Gathan :]
Kyle would have been on this list about two and a half weeks ago, but not now. I still feel I should talk about him though. Him and I have a past that goes back to 6th grade. There’s been tons of breaks up and tons of get back togethers. There have been new girlfriends and new boyfriends in between those times. There have been fights and I hate yous. There has been tears and there has been laughs. Finally, I think it’s all over. It took his his forced rejection for me to realize what was really there. Nothing. Nothing good anyway. I was blinded by fake feelings the whole time, and everything I thought was not real. I put so much effort into it, it was so tiring. Now that I realize everything and will never go back, I don't even have the strength to be friends. I don't have the want to be friends. It's not even worth it. He's not worth it. He's not even the type of person I would go for. But he defiantly put an effect on my today. 
The family thing is a little in between right now. I am closer with my mom now, but right now she is going through a hard time with a break up of six years. He was scum and now it's all coming out. He lied, cheated, and stole. He will pay in court though. Like I said, it's all hard on my mom and stressing her, and it all stresses me too. So now it's just my Mom and I.
Things with my dad are good I guess, I hope he does not have to go back to Iraq. They say his troop will go back, but he get's out in May. If he get sent before then though, he will have to go for the whole time. Just six months left, hopefully he and my uncle Tommy won't be sent. Things are better with my step mom Jessi too. Although sometimes I still feel unwanted or that I'm in the way of things. Sometimes I feel that I'm not good enough. 
School is better too. I have okay grades, they could be better. Next year, they will be better. I need my high school grades to stay great, so then I can go to college and do good for myself. That's also a big stress on me. I want to grow up and be something. I don't want to be a screw up or a disappointment. I want to be able to support my self and hopefully a family. I probably think about my future AT LEAST ever other day. 
Then there is just the me factor in it all. I actually found that I love to read and write. I'm fascinated by the paranormal and Ghost Hunters is a favorite show of mine. I actually like Math class and it's easy to me. I like to blog and sometimes I just like to be alone. I like to pay attention to what's happening in the world, which consist of watching the news. I'm not big into fashion and I don't know things like the newest kid Angelina and Brad adopted. I search for music no one has ever heard of just for my sheer enjoyment.  Sure most of it's dorky, but I have found it's just who I am. I could go on and on about  the me factor (I made that up :]) but maybe that's just for another day. It's 3 am and I think it's best I get some sleep. 
If your reading this, which you are if your reading this if your seeing this (ha) well, thanks :]

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just around the corner!

Yes, Yes- Christmas will be here before you know it. My problem is... I don't know what I want!!! So for the next couple days, I will be making my Christmas list :]
Fun. Fun. Fun.

Hi Ysabella :]

My day was wonderful!

I am actually impressed with how well my day went. It started of by me waking up about nine. Then, the next two and a half hours consisted of me getting ready, playing with Eli(little brother), and getting on the Internet for a short time. After that, my step-mom and I went to Target and TJ Maxx. Around 1:30 we went to Jack in the Box, and got candy for the movie at a gas station. Before I knew it, the time was here. I was about to watch the movie I had been waiting for, for 3 months.
It was fantastic. I loved the scene where Bella goes to Edward's house and their in the kitchen with the family. It was hilarious. By the end of the movie, I had cried twice and teared up once. Ha, I cry easily I guess. I wish I could watch the movie again. Then after that, I'd probably want to watch it again. I might read the book again soon if everyone would stop asking to borrow it.
By the way- Rob Pattinson is beautiful.

Today my life has showed no problems, it showed happiness. Maybe, that feeling will stay.

Friday, November 21, 2008

No! No! No!

Well, here I am-at my dads, on blogger. I'm not at the movies where I should be. It's tragic.
I came to my dad's all happy and then my step mom breaks the news that the small little theater we were planning on going to, is not showing Twilight (yes, It's that small, only 2 movies.) To go to a different theater we would have to go to a later show, and because of that we can't go. My three year old brother has no where to go to. Ugh-This sucks.
- Hopefully, we with go tomorrow. That's the plan, but I guess you can't really rely on plans.
Today was kind of bad. Besides my terrible Twilight situation, the whole day I have been tired and cold. Lunch was the not so good, chicken sandwiches. We have those all the time, and I never eat them, so today was no exception. We had the worst sub ever in science, Mrs. R
If only Gary could sub again...
He subed a couple of time last year, he was awesome! Yes, he let us call him that too. Sadly, I don't think he is allowed to sub anymore :[ He was to cool, ha.
My locker has became messier than it has ever. I seriously need to clean it. On the bus, someone had the bright idea to play freeze out. Like I said before, I was cold. My phone has decided to be crappy and no one can hear me speaking.
Terrible day.
On the bright side, I'm reading a new book. "I Was Just Thinking-" a book of essays selected by Elinor Parker. I know what your thinking, "Why are you reading that!?", the only answer I can think of is, I guess I'm just wierd- or a huge dork, but hey that's just me. If it helps any, I have never read anything like this before and I'm only on page 4. When I get into it more, I'll be sure to tell about it.
Let's see, where there any only positive things about my day?
-I really can't think of anything! Well, I guess that just says it all.


I am so excited to go to the twilight movie tonight!
I will be back afterwards to tell about my wonderful time I had :]
-Oh, Meg are you going to watch it tonight?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last post for the night- I promise!

I just could not stop the urge of writing more. I would put that annoying little smiley face I use, but after reading through my post, I've realized I have extended the smiley quota for the day------Haha.
-You know what a wonderful sound is to listen to as you lye in bed(besides rain)?--A train passing by! At my house, you have to listen very closely to hear it, which makes it better. When I was little I lived really close to the train tracks, and when I hear it now it reminds me of that time. It makes me happy and some how, if things aren't going so well, it seems to make things better for the night. It calms me.
This just randomly popped in my head:
For those of you who don't personally know me, you don't know i'm writing a book! ((Dorky, I know!)) Well this is my second attempt, and it is defiantly better than the last try. I have been slacking, I have not wrote in about 9 days and it feels like forever. I will get back to it though. Which make me think of another novel-in-progress I have. It's been on hold for about 2 months--I'll get to that too, one day. 
Anyway, back to the original thought.. I had just started chapter five. In steed of telling all about it, I decided just to post chapters every now and then. Who knows how often, I know I don't. Here's chapter 1(by the way the chapters are some what short)

Chapter One
 I lye there helplessly, I'm screaming and crying for someone to save me. I had no memory of where I was or how I got there, but I could feel someone coming. They were coming for me. They were coming to kill me. My heart was pounding with incredible speeds. If it got any faster, my heart would erupt from my chest. My body was freezing cold, yet pouring with sweat. I looked around for a quick escape, but only saw the darkness of night.
I was panicking, and becoming paranoid. I could hear them getting closer. Their sound was bringing pain to my skin. The closer the sound, the more I felt this burning feeling on my body. It was almost unbearable. I began to beg and plead for the pain to stop. I could not move. I was hopeless.
Then I saw them. There was an army of about five hundred. They all looked unbelievably strong, and like they wanted to give someone a cruel and horrible death. They would enjoy it. A sense of evil was among me. I was ready to sacrifice myself. I knew I was going to die.
As the army of men stopped in front of me, I began to drift off to unconsciousness. My body lost feeling, the pain had gone away. Moments later, I found myself fighting to open my eyes. When they finally gave in and let me win, I could see the bright yellow walls of my room. It had all been just a dream. A dream that had felt so real. 
After I realized I was okay, I closed my eyes and thought about what had just happened. I remembered the pain. You're not supposed to be able to feel pain in dreams I knew, but I defiantly felt it. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and it was all a dream. It was something I would never forget.
I decided I might as well open my eyes. And when I did, I found the disappointing sight of my parents. Parents were so boring and weird. At least mine were. They were just oddly staring at me like some epic event was about to take place then and there. It was very strange. I stared back for about three seconds, hoping they would vanish from existence. Unfortunately they just keep staring. I finally gave them a harsh look and yelled at them.
"What are you doing? Go away," for a moment they just sat there and then said, "Did anything new happen?"
"Wow, you guys are so weird I have to get ready for school, move" I then got out of my bed, almost tripping over my own feet when I reached the ground.
"Well, happy birthday Madison." Mom said with a disappointed look on her face, then they walked quickly out the room.
I knew I would be in a bad mood today. My birthday just happened to fall on the first day of school. Before I found this terrible news out, I had plans. 
I had planned spending the day with Juliet. It had always been our tradition to spend our birthdays together. Juliet and I met when we were four, back in the preschool days. Ever since then we had been best friends. When we were in fourth grade she moved about an hour away. Somehow we managed to stay in touch.
She has always been my person. When I say my person, I mean the one I would trust no matter what. If I ever have any problems or need to talk, I can always count on Juliet. Of course this goes both ways. I am Juliet's person. Through the years I have always been there. I have always had pity on her though. 
I know it's a terrible thing to have pity on your best friend, but I can't really help it either. Her dad, Jerry, went to prison four years ago for murdering his own father. To me this was no surprise. I always thought he was insane. 
I never told Juliet this, but one time I found a book of her father's. It had pages and pages of people he wanted to kill. And every single name had descriptive details on how he would do such a horrible thing. It was so disturbing and every time I saw him I thought of him as a killer. I was truly scared of him.
Her father was not the only bad thing in her life either. Her mother was an alcoholic. With only a few exceptions, she was never home. And if she was, she was never sober. 
On Juliet's fourteenth birthday, her mom came to my house drunk. She yelled and screamed about how she was not allowed to see me, in which I have yet to figure out why. She then grabbed her by the hair of her head and pulled her out the door. As this was happening, Juliet was crying and yelling for her mother to stop. I was going to tell my parents, hoping they would just adopt her, but Juliet said that would just get her taking away and we would never see each other again. So she made me promise to never speak of it.
Because of her home life, she always shut her self out from everyone. I was really the only friend she had. And truth be told, she was my only real friend. But she was all I needed. 
I hated school, because of all the people in it. Highschool was filled with a bunch of idiots who strived to be popular. It was as if popularity was the only thing that mattered, which is untrue. I kept myself away from people like that. It was useless for me to care about my high school social status, when after graduation I'd be gone. Gone from this small, good for nothing town. I was ready for bigger and better things. I know that is such a cliche, but it's true. 
I dreamed of having best-selling novels. And that was for sure not going to happen, if I stayed here in Beckon, Tennessee. I had a passion for writing. I spent the majority of my time doing so. I kept everything I had everything written in journals, which were kept in a box in the top of my closet. No one was allowed to read them, not even Juliet.
I hate to say this, but I'm a little self-conscious with my stories. I thought they were good, but I'm scared of what people would think. It's not that I cared what people thought in general, because I don't. It was just my stories. They were everything to me. I think I would let a publisher read it though, because I would take their advice, it would be like business. And if they liked it, I would not mind others reading in. I had faith that one day this would happen. Publishers will like my novel and so will everyone else. It will be a bestseller. I know it will happen.
"Madison!" someone had yelled my name. After I escaped from my thoughts, I realized it was my mother.
"Madison, come down stairs!" 
"Okay, I'm coming!" I yelled back.
I looked at the clock and saw I only had ten minutes to get to school. I had been lost in my own thoughts, and now I was late. I rushed as fast as I could to throw on jeans and a red T-shirt. Before I left my room, I grabbed my bag and my brush. I still had to fix the mess some call hair. 
As I was walking down the stairs, I noticed my parents waiting quietly, together. It looked like they had something very important to say, but I doubt I was about to find out what it was, since I was not planning on listening. I had to leave now if I was planning on making it on time.
"Madison, your father and I have to talk to you." Said my mother
"Sorry, Mom. I have to leave, now. I will talk to you after school. Bye" I then walked out the door acting as if I did not hear my parents yelling "Don't go, wait!"

Since it was only the first day of school, we started out in home room. The only thing I remembered was Mr. Reese calling my name while taking attendance and getting my class schedule. I have a serious problem with day dreaming. Some times I even catch myself staring off in to space, thinking about myself day dreaming. I have been meaning to work on that problem.
After homeroom we started classes. I had an okay class schedule. For the 1st semester I had English, French, Algebra, and unfortunately Drama. Well, I guess drama is not that bad, but I am a little indifferent about it. Who knows maybe i'll end up liking it, or I could just truly hate it. 
Our school had a well know drama program. Each production had a lot of hard work and dedication put in to it. Unlike most high school plays, the actors were very talented. As for the people who were'nt so talented, they become stange hands. I'm sure that's were they will put me.   
In class, Mr.Mild introduced himself and told us about the school production. He said we would be working on it immediately, starting tomorrow. He also said everyone had to try and addition. I dreaded it, but every one else seemed to be excited about it. Every minute I thought more and more that I made a mistake by taking this class.   
Then Mr.Mild thought it would be fun to do an acting exercise with a partner. I got paired with Kate Dales. She was new to our school this year. She seemed nice. She had beautiful blond hair, and pretty blue eyes. This was her first year in a public school, she had always been home schooled. She was very excited that she was getting to be like a normal kid. I told her she was not missing out on much, and she just laughed. 
By the time every one had got with thier partner, the bell rang to go home. Kate and I walked home together, because she lived close by. Oddly, she was also in all my classes and had a locker right beside mine. I was guessing I was going to see alot of her. Since she seemed so innocent and nice, I thought i'd be nice and offer to show her around our small town, before the wrong people did. She said she'd love too, but first she had to go home and ask her parents.Her cell phone was at home. I said it was fine and she said she'd be at my house at around four o'clock. 
After Kate had gone in to her house I remember I had to find out what my parents wanted earlier this morning. I walked into my house and noticed it was very quite. "Mom? Dad?" I yelled. Noone replyed. I guessed they went some where and forgot to tell me. I then left a note on the kitchen counter, so they would not worry.

Mom and Dad, 
I met a new friend named Kate.
She lives on our street.
I offered to show her around town, she's new.
I'll be back before 7:30
Call me if you need anything

Half an hour later, Kate came and we left.

My sad attempt at a header

Well this was my first attempt at those nifty little headers.It was pretty sad, if I must say so myself. I'm sure you would agree :] But hey it's all good! In the hood! (Sorry i had to do that :])
Since i'm already a huge dork, and stay on the computer way to much, I will be working on my header-making skills :]


I just found this comment.


Ha, this is my buddy Spenser. He is funny. Although, no one my find this funny. 

You had to me there, I guess :]

Happy, Happy, Happy.

Yes, I would say I'm happy! I'm not even sure why, I'm just in a good mood I guess.

It was nice to log on and find 2 new comments, and even nicer that they were from Meg.
Her happiness, made me happier :]
She also said that those awesome headers she makes, she made them in Paint. That is AMAZING. One day I'm going to attempt it, I doubt it will be good, I'm pretty sure it will look like crap actually.
 Tomorrow is Twilight. Thank the movie gods for me, please :] I'm so excited to compare the image in my mind, to the actual movie. It will be interesting. I will blog about the excitement.
Today I was sitting in History. This is basically my free period. My mind just drifts off into thought. I get mostly all my thinking done in there. Okay, that's a lie. I have a serious problem of drifting off in to lala land any where! ha.
Anyways, I was thinking about what I said my blog was going to be about. Well, I guess I lied then too. It's sorta what I said. If you have not realized yet I just rant and ramble.
I like it that way :] Apparently, someone else does too, because I have 97 views! 
I'm pretty sure like 23 are from me though :] It's still cool though.
 I wonder who had actually read it though? Hmm If you have read this blog leave a comment PLEASE :]
Ha, I seriously doubt that's going to work, but worth a shot. I have come to find out that Nathan Rowe stalks my blog! :] .....really :] 
I bet everyone on here five bucks he will see this tonight, and send me a text saying "Wtf jamie?" Oh and Nathan, so I don't forget later, I want an update of that love life of yours(If you could even call it that :])
Speaking of love.. I happily like NO ONE! Yeah, you read correctly no one! Kyle is so out of the picture now. Wow, the day has finally came. I'm trying to still be friends with him, but it's odd and I really have no desire to be friends. I really, honestly don't want him as a friend. I wonder if he has realized our sixteen plans are not going to happen?......Most likely not, he is not the brightest crayon in the box! Ha...I always wanted to say that. 
My blogging is not over with for the night.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My kind of blogging

Well I have not really got the chance to actually blog. In the sense of the way I blog. Does that make sense? Probably not, but oh well.

Just a moment ago, I was on my favorite blog, ever. Her name is Meg, well Megan. I would give you her URL, but it would be pointless, because she is going private tonight. 
Lucky, I was invited as a reader :] Meg if you ever read this, Thanks alot.
I just left her a comment, and for some reason it made me all happy inside. Why? you ask.
Well, I'm not sure. Haha
Her blog makes me happy in general though, because I feel I can relate to many things, and she is just a great writer.
But on with other things.

I was almost murdered! In a dream anyways. Early, I was watching the wonderful show Ghost Hunters, and I started to get a little sleepy. So, if you did not already guess it, I fell asleep. It was one of those dreams, that you know is a dream, but it's still weird. In the dream, I was lying in bed about to fall asleep, when all of a sudden, I heard a loud bang. Then, I get up and I'm pretty much scared to death, because obviously I think the worst. I start to get up, but then I remembered I'm home alone which makes it worse. I finally get brave enough to walk out of my room, and right in front of me is this large, dark, shadowed figure( it was not my shadow) Then, I wake up :] This dream was strange, because 1. I actually remembered it and 2. I actually knew it was a dream the whole time. Well, I'm glad it ended! Someone once told me you never die in dreams, and if you did you would really be dead. I don't really believe it, but it is a little odd that you never actually die. I guess that's just another question to ask in life :]

Because of recent events I would just like to say:
I hate Liars, Cheaters, Players, Sluts, Drama Queens, Two-Faced Friends, Back Stabbers, Haters ( depends what there hating on :]), and any other similar category! So please, stay away!  -Thanks

The story of my life??

I am so sick of the things that just happen over, and over again.
No matter how much I say it's not going to happen, I always find myself back in his little games. I always get the sucky part of the deal. 
I don't think I actually realized most of this until recently: 
He is not worth it! Better yet, he's pretty much worthless most of the time. This whole time he has encouraged me to be mean to his girlfriend, keep his dirty little secrets, and he basically played me. He told me so many things and I actually believed them. Wow, I was stupider than before. 
Then, when I do realize this and get fed up with him, all he can say is "Your just mad cause I did not choose you."  
Ugh, well yeah I'm mad at that, but you never have to worry about that again, ,because I don't want you and I NEVER will again, and I am serious this time!!!
That was not the only reason I was mad. You think you can have it all your way. Well it don't work that way. And all the things you said, should have NOT been said when you have a girlfriend!! You never wanted me to like her, but guess what, I'm better friends with her than I ever will be with you again!

Sorry about my ranting.
Ha I don't know why I was saying "you", it's not like he will ever read this. A day ago I had a very detailed post about the whole situation, I decided to be nice and take it down. 

So yes, this was basically the story of my life. Over And Over And Over. But now IT'S over. 

Never Again. 

Header Search

These are some headers I found. I was hoping all of you could tell me which you liked best! Just leave me a comment about it!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You May Have Noticed

That I have officially decided to use my blog to post any thought that passes through my mind with no worries of who might read it. 
I realized that if it's my life, my problems, then it should be put on my blog. 
I repeat My Blog, therefore if anything I write in the future offends you and you have a problem with it, you can either deal with it or click the X in your upper right hand conner! 

And that interview that is suppose to be posted on Friday may or may not be posted. That will probably be the last of the interviews since my blog is taking a different direction. Everything else says though. 

I just remember, I'm suppose to give a shout-out to Spenser so hiya!



I have decided I'm not holding anything back.
That means I will write anything and everything.
And that means I won't hold anything back because someone might read it.
So therefore, this is my warning to all the Lucky people who know me. There's a chance you might just end up in my blog... sorry, but nothing will stop me. 

Good Luck :]



Hello :]
Today was just a wonderful, exciting, unforgettable day. 
Okay, not really.
Now that I think about it, my day was kind of a blur. That means it was a REALLY boring day I guess. 
I found a bunch of really awesome blog headers though, but I can’t really use them. They would not fit in. 
So, then I had a thought of using my blog like I did before. Writing ANYTHING I wanted to write, which included my feelings, and things about people, and tons of others things. The only problem with that is I would not want anyone I know reading it   
I should be braver, or less nervous, or maybe just not care :]
Well, who knows I might just do it anyways. I’m still thinking about it. 
*Beware when around me that you could end up in my blog 

Anyway, I am so excited for this Friday. Actually, thousands of teenage girls are. This Friday the Twilight movie is released in theaters. So be expecting a review 
Along with many other people, I have a slight obsession with The Twilight Saga. It is a fantastic book, and Edward just makes it all the better. He is the perfect guy. Sure, he has problems and he’s not even human, but you still got to love him. I am Team Edward, without a doubt.
Jacob is a great guy and all, but Bella will always be with Edward. They need each other and they’re great together. Jacob just needs to back off   And if you have not read all four of the books, here comes a spoiler(sort of)... I am happy that Jacob finally found love, and the person it’s with just amazes me. If you think about it though, it’s the practical thing to do if you were writing this book. It would not be better any kind of way. Although, it is a little weird when she is just a child, and I know it’s not something he can help later. Haha I though Bella was going to really hurt him 
Okay, I have to stop rambling now.

Tomorrow, we are having the career class. I totally forgot to do the “homework”. It’s not that important though. I have been thinking of careers though.
I’m still focused on the writing. In highschool, you have to choose a focus (or whatever it’s called) I think I’ll do mine as English. Then, I’ll take classes like Journalism, Creative Writing, etc.
A couple of my friends and I have been talking about Drama, too. I think I might like to take it. 
I can’t wait until highschool. Unlike most people, I’m not nervous about it or anything. I ‘m not really sure how it’s scary to some people. It’s just school. It exciting to get to choose your own classes :]
I’ll be a Freshmen * *Happy Dances** :]
Wow, I’m a dork.

~Friday I will have my first interview ever posted  Right now it’s a work in progress, but I took five different people that would be classified into their own stereotype. Therefore, they are different from each other. There is the cheerleader, the band geek, the nerd, the redneck, and the laid back funny one. I asked each of them five questions, and it’s neat because you can see their different opinions and compare them. It’s also cool to see how they answer while being put into a common stereotype they are giving.


Open to Public.


I missed my blog, and all my readers so much! Sadly, I can't find my reader contact list to tell everyone that I have a new one. Hopefully, I'll get new readers though :]

I would just like to say a few things you should expect:
Interviews, reviews(music, TV, movies, books, blogs), lots of my opinions, and just any other random thing I decide to write! So... Just whatever! 
If you don't already have an account at Blogger, I suggest you make one! 
-Follow Me, please :]
If you'd like me to check out your blog, just leave me a comment and tell me about it. I may even post a review about it! 
I love, love, love to get comments and emails so feel free to any time. The email address is

I will have a new post out by tonight!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks for Nothing

** I removed this post from my blog. It will not be back up.


I saw this picture, and it made me think. The definition of destiny is -1. the events that will happen to a person, regarded as predetermined by fate  2. the hidden power believed to control this; fate.
To my comprehension, that means destiny is something that will happen no matter what. It’s something that’s meant to happen. If you really think about it though, that can’t be true. For example, lets say my destiny is to be on the other side of the street. I’m not going to get there unless I work on either walking or getting a way across the street; otherwise I’ll be on the same side for the rest of my life. Sure, it’s a lot more complicated than that, but same moral. Your actions and your choices choose the outcome of things. You have to go the right way to get to the place you want to be. Nothing worth anything, is just going to happen.

Which brings me to the stress of Career talk at school. I have always been the one to try to plan my future, to have a plan. Now, when people are actually asking me or it matters all that comes to mind is “Ugh, I’m not sure.” 
I do have an IDEA though. I want to maybe be something in writing, like a journalist or such. I think I would like to be in business or a teacher too. Is it just me, but aren’t all those sort of different?   
But seriously who really, and truly knows at the age of fourteen what they want to do in life?... I just made my own statistic of that in my head ( I do that a lot :]) Only about 1 out of every 30 know exactly what there going to be. *Since I missed out on that one, I wonder if I’ll have a better chance with the lottery...*

Future Husband

Ever girl has thought about their future husband at one time or another, and I’m going to make myself laugh by saying, guys do it too. Well wife.....maybe :]
My friend Emily and I were recently talking about what we would want in a guy. So of course, I sat down and thought about it. This is what I concluded in a short time:
He has to be cute and have a good personality. He has to make good money, so he can support himself, just as I will be able to support myself. He has to be close to his family, but not a mama’s boy! He has to like country music. He can not be a redneck though!! Being southern is fine. There is a difference between being a redneck and being southern/country, a big difference! 
I have to be able to trust him, of course. My family has to like him, therefore he can’t act like an idiot in front of them. Actually, just don’t act like an idiot in general. We can’t hate all of each others friends either, that would never work out if we did :]

**Most importantly, I have to like his last name :] Just kidding.....but really.   

And is this not just one of the sweetest ideas of a way to purpose? Guys remember this :] !
It would really suck it you were just walking with your boyfriend/girlfriend and came across this. She would think you were purposing and either dump you then and there (haha) or be so happy, you would just hate to break her little heart and tell her you were not. Beware of were you take walks :]

*I really like to make smiley faces :]

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Little About Myself

Here is a short 200 words about me!

Hello :]
My name is Jamie. I’m fourteen and I live in a small town in Tennessee.
I’ve had a blog before, but because of some not needed to know reasons, I am no longer continuing it. I do take this seriously and I put a lot of time into making my blog as awesome as I can make it. I find blogger slightly additive. I’m opinionated, I try to be optimistic as much as possible, and I’m probably a lot like any other teenage girl. With my free time I like to read, watch YouTube, Blogger, surf the web, hang out with friends, learn new things (Really!), and many other things that aren’t exactly at the top of my head right now. I could live without my laptop, but I would really rather not. I love my laptop :] ! 
I think you can tell a lot about someone, by there “Top Five People I’d Like to Meet”. So here is mine:
1. Taylor Swift
2. The Ghost Hunters Cast
3. The President of The United States
4. The REAL Edward Collen, but he’d have to love me like he loves Bella :]

There is a lot more I could write about me, but noone can write everything about themselves in such a small place! But it’s not really important that you know about me.

You can feel free to comment any post or email me at