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Monday, November 24, 2008


It's time for an update.
For my short christmas list I know what i'm asking for:
-A smoothie maker (Yummy)
-A smoothie recipe book (needed!)
-A new book bag and/or purse
-Books or Amazon gift card for books
-Itunes giftcard

That's all! I think this will be the simplest christmas ever, that's all I want.
-Unless Santa Clause can bring me a pretty new colored dell laptop. Which he won't because I have a perfectly fine Dell Inspiron 6000 :] I have to say I love it.

The highlights of my day:
- A friend of mine had the Twilight Soundtrack so I borrowed it to put on Itunes. Thanks Andi. 
- We watched movies in two classes. Included the end of The Outsiders (Soda Pop is.. Pretty :]), the beginning of Tex, and some random movie in History that I did not really watch. 
-He was not there.
-I got a comment on my blog.
-The thought that I have blogger friends came to mind :]
- Some how I started watching H2O and I actually got into it, ha.
- I ate Goldfish cheese crackers
- In math, I read my friend's Chicken Soup for teenage souls, love stories. They were sweet. 

My day did not really have bad... I take that back. I ended up disliking 2 people today. Because of there immaturity and  annoyance [(is that a word??)..maybe]. 
Other than that though, the day was good. So i'll end on a good note.


m e g • (an) said...

It's posted!
My love life; unleashed.
you better read every word. :)