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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can You Handle Me?

Has anyone ever just tried to sit down and write about themselves? It seems a little difficult. 
As a person, we are difficult.

In ways I'm just a normal 14 year old girl. In others I'm not.
I'm simply, yet complicated.
I emerge myself into words to feel as someone else.

I create sadness with the past and often over analyze things.

I have moments were I find myself down for no apparent reason other than the danger of my own thoughts, which sometimes lead to the feeling of being all alone to drown in my own tears.

I honestly think, I think more than the average person.

I keep the friends that are fake and I sometimes push away the ones who care.

I'm in love with a disaster of doubts.

I find comfort in blogging.

I spend a very large percent of my free time on my laptop.

Sometimes I like being to my self. 

Other times I'm desperate to be wanted around.

My biggest fears in life are not being wanted and not making something of myself.

I think about my future, alot.  Always have. 

I tend to procrastinate, too. 

I find it hard to trust people. 

I trust very, very few.

I have a guilty pressure in watching 90210, Ghost Hunters, American Idol, Grey's Anatomy, and the news. 

Music wise it's in no particular genre, either. Taylor Swift, 30H!3, All Time Low, Theory of a Deadman, Keane, and Jason Mraz.

I do realize I do pretty dorky things. 

Immaturity seriously bothers me, and so does people who speak/type with seriously bad grammar.

I can be friends with almost anyone, until they start problems.

I can argue about anything.

I'm often sarcastic. 

I enjoy saying "Oh So Very Much _____" you may find that annoying. 

I find a lot of things annoying.

I could go on and on about different things, but I won't. 

I may seem serious with things, but I don't think I'm all that serious.

I'm simply, yet complicated.

It's Jamie!!

So I'm back!!
I am So Sorry!
As you may have read in the words of Austin, my internet has not really been working. I have no clue why actually, but it would work for five minutes one day and none the next. Now it seems to be perfectly fine. 
And for that reason, Meg you can't disown me! That's just not fair :( I saw where you stopped following...

I would love to catch you guys up, but my life is really a bunch of nothing, if you haven't noticed. What basically happen was:
-Elizabeth was up for a week. We shopped, watched movies, went out to eat, acted stupid 99% of the time, and had to close the stores (Not Fun!)
-Went to school...Of course...except on Friday, and that was just because. 
-I'm serious, Nothing  happened. 
T H A T' S A L L. 

I will be posting like I use to; alot. Long post are coming you way :)

Oh, Thanks Austin :) 

Friday, January 30, 2009

Austin Thoughts.

So I have infiltrated the blog account of my girlfriend to tell you a very important message.

She is without internet at the moment and would love to leave you all a wonderful insight of hers, but sadly you all (y'all) will have to wait another short while, she promises to be back soon.

She is laying in bed right now and so should I. But then, if i was you couldn't have this post!

On behalf of her I'd like to say that I'm amazing.

On behalf of me I'd like to say that Jamie is amazing.

Everybody should read her posts because she can think some pretty random stuff up, and if you read it then maybe you'll like be smarter or something.

This just in, she has a chap stick that tastes like sugar cookies.

Now it's 3AM my thoughts are not that cool right now, so you guys can think of some cool things a blog might say and imagine that you just read them here.

-Night y'all

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello There :)

Yes, I have realized I have not post since Monday.
It actually feels strange. 
This past week has felt like it went by so fast though.
I don't think this post will be very long, but tomorrow's will :)
Long post just make me happy. 

I have actually sat here for five minutes, my attention off in la la land, thinking about things. It's about time I go lay down for bed anyways. 
Blog-You-Later :D


Monday, January 19, 2009

Twilight :)

I found this video on For The Love Of Twilight. When I first saw it I though, "Ah, not really my style." But then later on I could not get it out of my head! I ended up having to go back and listen to like 12 times in a row :) 
So I thought I would torture you all :) 

Since we are already talking about Twilight (Okay not really Twilight, but there is a connection!), I'll just going to keep on!

About a week or two a go, they announced that they were signing Taylor Lautner to play Jacob in New Moon. Although I didn't really like him in Twilight, I think he's the best bet, and I could grow to like him. 
I think the thing that irritated me most was his hair! Isn't he suppose to wear it pulled back anyway?! Oh, and in New Moon he cuts it right? Hopefully. 
I see so many people with New Moon countdowns on there blog. I think it's like 3oo and something days. That would just depress me every time I saw it, knowing it was that far away!
Breaking Dawn won't be out for a few years, but is it true that they're going to make it into two movies?
This post has basically been turned into just a bunch of questions :) 
I'm thinking some of my wonderful readers will answer them, because I know how much y'all love Twilight. 
I'll make it easy and just make a list of the questions I asked, plus some, below. Feel free to answer any of them :)
1. In the books, doesn't Jacob keep his hair pulled back?
2. Is Jacob suppose to cut his hair in New Moon?
3. Is Breaking Dawn going to be made into two movies?
4. Which Movie are you most excited for?
5. Which was your favorite book?
6. How much money would you pay to meet Edward Cullen!? (haha okay I just threw that one in there ;] )

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Haha :) Of course :)

Twilight Quiz
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

101 Post; Even Better :D

This post has been re-done three times, due to this wonderful thing called procrastination. Even though I've wrote a small post here in there, I really haven't said much in a while. I hopefully plan to put more effort onto my post. Including the ones on my team blog, since I've only posted once.
Speaking of that, apparently it was very "Deep". It was about sunset, well it really had a double meaning and was about something else, I'm sure you could figure it out.
I finally finished my book, Recovering Charles. It was a good book, but the ending kind of irritated me, but I suppose I got over it. I suggest it to others. I'm not very good at explaining things, but I'll try for my wonderful blog readers :)

Luke Millward is a photographer who lives in New York. For years him and Charles, his alcoholic father, never spoke. When they did it was only when Charles was broke and was calling for money. After the phone calls finally stop, and years later it was 2004 and the time of hurricane Katrina. 
One day, Luke got a phone call from Jerome, a man from New Orleans who was a good friend of his dad. 
He was asking Luke to come down and help search for his missing father.
After finally decided to go, he learns about the new life his father had had, and learns of a huge detail that was hidden from only him.

In other book news, I am now reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I read one of his other books, Paper Towns, which I liked a lot, so I suspect i'll like this one. So far, so good. Although I'm only on the 6th chapter. I'll tell you more about that later.
I finally got a notebook to use as my "writer's notebook" too. Before I actually went to buy it, I couldn't decide if I wanted a small journal-like notebook, or a regular spiral notebook. I ended up getting one bigger than I planned, but I like it. It's a 3 subject five star spiral notebook. It's blue with a cool design on the front cover, the back cover, the inside cover, and the folder things inside (different designs).
On the front page my aunt and I got bored drew random things on it. I'm keeping it in there. On the second page I'm keeping a list of all the books I  read this year, since I have a goal to read 100 (which I'm kind of behind since I have only read two, but I can do it!)
The third page is an Idea I got from someone else's notebook. It's a song list. It will have every song I ever listened to while writing in it. 
I don't know, I found it interesting :)
Then after that I will write. haha
I changed a few things on my blog music. I took off a few songs and added a few, nothing major. 

I know a lot of blogger users add photos at the top of every post, I'm thinking I might start that. Right now I'm in  the process of saving a lot of pictures I like. I already had two or three files of picture I liked and would use in the past, but I think I've had a change in picture styles :)
These past few days it's been super cold. Well colder than normal anyways. On Friday, we even got out of school because of the cold. I didn't know they did that...
I was pretty happy about it though, because That means we got a four day weekend, which is always wonderful! I really wish it would have snowed though. 

On Thursday morning it started to snow and it was actually sticking! But at around noon the Sun started shinning and it all melted!
Not cool, Sun, not cool...
I might have said this already, but I'm not sure (even if I have, I haven't said much so..). This Thursday my Mom and Howard are going to Hawaii for a week. Yes, H-A-W-A-I-I! And I'm staying at home. My aunt Elizabeth, from Alabama, is coming to stay with me. She is also going to handle all the things my Mom does, like the stores and such, which I'll have to help against my will. Apparently since I've been around stores my whole life and I could basically manage my own, I'm the one who knows what to do and I have to help. So despite me hating going to the stores, for a whole week I have to go to both and help my Aunt close up. Ugh.
On the plus side, Elizabeth and I will actually be doing stuff; go to the movies, shop, out to eat, etc...

As much as I would love to stay and chat to myself, my life is rather boring and I don't have anything else that could be remotely interesting to say.

I don't talk about Austin much, because like I said, sometimes he wanders onto here and reads. And although I would rarely have anything bad to say, I find that just a little awkward. 
Well since I have this lovely blog to document things, a week or two ago I looked when I first mentioned him; That was the first day we were a "thing". After I looked at it there, December 18th just sort of stuck in my mind (because I honestly would have no clue, especially since it doesn't feel that long)
Anyways... Today him and I have been together for a month, it really doesn't seem like that long! Like seriously. haha. But I'm guessing it's good it just flew by like that. 
I think this is the longest i've been with anyone since Kyle, which 1: lasted for what fells like forever, and two I tend to break up with people a lot. I had reasons to break up with them though! 
Okay well they weren't real reasons they were just not Kyle...
Which was a horrible reason because I don't know what the heck I was seeing! 
Anyways... He is great and despite my sunset theory, I really hope it last. 
Of course I'm me, and I doubt everything though. I can't really help it though...
Day by day, the doubts or slowly going away though; at least I think; or at least I hope. I hate doubting things. I don't even understand why I can't not doubt things if I don't want too, makes no sense...

Well before I ramble on about the same ol' thing for 20 minutes, I'm going to go.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

100th Post!!

That is just Oh so very wonderful :)

I finally posted on my team blog
*Bout Time*

For the past have been busting out laughing at American Idol!
Well, except when I got to talk to Austin :) :)

I have to go find something about Oreos :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who Knows

Here lately, I've just been feeling different...
I don't even know what it is and I can't explain. 
It's a feeling I want to change, but how can I make it change
when I want things to stay the same.

Oh, you say that doesn't make sense?

I know.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today was..Fun

Well today my Flip Mino went everywhere I went. My the time I was home to edit it into one video, I had about 40 minutes of footage. I finally got it narrowed down to about 9 minutes. Although there was 2 or 3 times when it made the voices weird. I may upload it here one day, or another video. 
Right now I can't say much, I promise a real post soon :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This Is Oh So Very Awesome

The new blog I started, Thoughts We Couldn't Say:A Writer's Notebook, now has five authors, including me. Emily and I are hoping it doesn't get to hectic! Right now I'm working on the layout and fonts and blah blah blah, you know.

This will defiantly be interesting..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Thoughts We Couldn't Say:A Writer's Notebook

The last post advanced into an idea for a blog!
This is a team blog I am doing with my friend Emily. We are both starting a writer's notebook and will be posting excerpts. If anyone is interesting in doing it with us, just leave a comment either here, or there.
The URL is:

Writer Notebooks

If you are a reader of my past post, I'm sure somewhere you've read I want to be a writer. I'm sure my blogger post aren't very well written, because I rush through them. Today I've been reading about "Writer Notebooks". I'm not sure how I come over this, but once it got my eye, it had my full attention. 
My friend and I did something similar to this before. 
A writer's notebook is a notebook a writer carries with them. (Duh!)
They are not limited to anything. It's simply a place where you can write your thoughts or opinions in, story ideas, writing prompts, dreams, fears, Anything.

I think I may even start one. I may also take an except and post it in every so often. 

It would be awesome if someone else would like to do it! (Hint, Hint)  :)

Thanks Megan :)

So Megan tagged me and I'm suppose to post the forth picture from my fourth file. It was a file with all the headers I made in it. Some of you may have already seen this, since it use to be on my blog.

I don't really remember how many people I'm suppose to tag, so I'm just going to guess four.
People I Tag:
Mary Clare

Also if anyone else wants to do it, go right ahead :]

Friday, January 9, 2009

Flip Mino && A huge Moon

I finally got a Flip Mino Camcorder! I am so excited!

Tomorrow night, Saturday, the moon will be it's fullest of 2009. You should so look at it! I am. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January, 08, 2009!

I barely got sleep last night so this morning when my alarm was going off I had no realization of it. I woke up to my Mom yelling at my door to get up and turn off the alarm. 
 I got ready as soon as I could. I was about two minutes from being late. I was so sleepy and I actually fell asleep in english. Of course, Couch Reasonover had to call on me to answer. It was horrible, I had no clue, and it lasted a good five minutes. 
Then, the next class I had was literature. We went to the library and my friend Amber and I actually went and laid our heads down at a table then slept. She was tired too. ha. 
When we went back to class we were looking over poetry and Mrs. Jordan made me stand up for a minute or two so I wouldn't asleep. 
You're probably thinking "Gosh, how could you sleep anymore?!" Well, I also went to sleep in study hall and half of history. 
I was really that tired. ha. 
When I did stop sleeping in history it was because I was texting Austin. Kyle was sitting behind me and I could so tell he was reading the text. 
About two minutes after that he asked me what time it was so of course I told him. Then he keep looking and asked who was I texting. I replied with "Austin" and turned back around. I'm 98% sure it was bothering him. I'm sure he was reading the text too, because he never ask who I'm texting. 
A minute or so after asking who I was texting, he started telling me about how he was sorry he hasn't been replying lately, that he hasn't been charging his phone. I then replied with another simple answer, "It's Okay", and turned back around. 
He kept talking "Yeah, I've just been busy and I keep meaning to text back, but I forget." 
This time I added a fake smile (which look real, ha), "Okay."
At this point I was still talking to Austin, and I guess Kyle just gave up. 
For some reason when I was sleeping in the library (which was before history) I had a dream about Kyle. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I do know we were in class, and Kyle was basically confusing his feelings. At first I showed no care for this at all, then I had an urge of anger and wanted to hate him. Then I just said sorry and walked out of class (the bell rang)
That was the dream. Weird. He really shouldn't be there.

After history, I had science. We continued our learning about STDs and watched a video. We also had to fill out a worksheet why watching. There were so many questions and we were constantly writing. Haha and in the video there was like people making out and stuff, but they were doing it totally weird. Everyone was laughing. Then there was this one girl at a party, she had decided she wanted to start being abstinent and this guy just like touched her on her shoulder and she started pushing him away and it wasn't even like a normal push. It made her look like an idiot and everyone was yet again laughing. 
Then after the video we were going over the answers to the worksheet and there was something talking about teenagers and hormones. Mrs.Odum was like " You just think your hormones are wild when your a teenager, but as you get older they sometimes get stronger and harder to resist. Believe I would know from experience." Then everyone was just looking at each other with either a blank or grossed out emotion. I'm glad tomorrow is the last day of our "Family/life classes"

At lunch we had a new kind of pizza that was actually good. I also had a slushie. I love those! In gym, since the highschoolers went back to the new gym, we have to start walking 20 minutes again. Besides that we all just talked and joked around like always. This week we have been allowed to walk in the halls instead of outside. Brandon was kicking a lunchbox and I thought it was just some random lunch box he found. So him, me, Jessica, Austin, Andi, Danielle, Ashley, and this 7th grader all started kicking it back in forth all the way to our hall. Then I find out it was Zach's lunch box and I felt bad. He was right there with us and I never heard him say a thing about it though! He had told a teacher on Brandon when we got to class, but no one else got talked too.
In math, well it was just math. It's the only homework I got assigned, which I should probably do. 
The bus was fun as always. Krista and I finally got moved back to the back were we belong! ha. We took pictures, and made videos on my phone (which was horrible). I hope to soon get the flip mino camcorder I want. I am going to buy it with  my money, then I can make awesome videos :)

My reading goals have not started off as way as I planned. I have an unplanned distraction. But it's still fine, I'll make time for it.
My novel writing goal has not even been thought about! Hopefully, I'll get to that soon. I may make a separate blog for it, like i've noticed many do on here.

Well tonight is the college football championships, and they start in ten minutes, so I will be ending here. Have a Fantastic night :]

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Joys School Brought Today

Today was the day we came back to school from winter break. Everyone dreaded it and stayed up way to late last night.
I on the other hand, did not sleep at all. It is all part of my plan to get a great nights sleep tonight.
I started getting ready rather early this morning. After going through the whole morning process, I decided to ride the bus. 
Krista over slept and did not ride, but I ended up talking to the girl across the aisle, the one who is always annoying. This morning she was fine, but in the afternoon she was back to her old annoying self.
Here's a list of things that happened throughout the rest of the day:
-I got my English Exam back, and surprisingly made a 90.
-We had to write an essay, and I have to say it is THE BEST ESSAY I EVER WROTE. I write awesome essays anyway, so just think how awesome this one was.
-Started studying poetry in literature. I already know all that we are going to learn, so easy peasy.
-Put on Academic Probation for Mr.Holt's history class. It is so his fault.
-Therefore, the next four and a half weeks I will be missing break, and going to study hall. I am officially a bad kid :p
-I got moved to another seat in study hall from talking and making people laugh. (including the teacher!)
- I was the only person in there who had not been there any all year. Of course it's only last names that start with h-z
- In science we had two volunteers come in to teach us about the importance of abstinence before marriage. Some of the things said were a little strange, we also played a few games, and got candy.
- Tomorrow, since we live in such a wonderful world, we will be spending a complete 55 minutes talking about STDs
-I sat at a new table at lunch, it was quite enjoyable. My best friend, Lauren, got moved to a different lunch. I was a very sad thing. 
-Oh, and best of all about lunch, I ate a sugar cookie, fresh frys, and drank a slush :]
-In math, I had the incredible urge to sleep, lucky the bell rang to leave for home when I was about to just say the heck with it and sleep.
-Krista was on the bus and we our hyper selves and listened to my ipod as we sang along :]
- Then I was writing this wonderful post for you all :]
Do you know when your out of school, then somewhere along then you want to go back to school to see friends, and such.

Then the day before you actually go back to school your thinking
"Ugh, school's tomorrow"
Yeah, that feeling sucks, and It's the one I have right now. Last night I could not sleep, and I am now getting ready for school. Ugh, School.

Since today will probably be the most interesting I've had in 2 weeks, I'll be sure to write as long of a post as I can :]

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I ramble, like most post :]

Good Morning :]
Ugh why does Blogger make those stupid lines?! 
I can't figure out how to get rid of them. It happens everytime I use a picture.
Any help?

I have a serious question for you all.
Skittles or M&Ms?
Answer in the comments, I want to know which is more liked.

Oh. And if your wondering about the picture. I was bored. ha.
I also decided to not straighten my hair (had no reason, I was staying at home)
I just liked it for some reason.

Pictures are grand.
Although out of ever 20 pictures I take, I like 2.
I hate taking them on my stupid phone though, it irritates me!

I'm still wishing for snow.
Even though I haven't watched the weather in like a week and a half. 
I should probably check in on that.
I'm also still considering moving. 
I wish.
I don't know I kind of like it here in Tennessee, too.


{Insert Awesome Post Title Here}

Hello, hello my lovely blog readers.
My winter break has been quite enjoyable, although i've mostly stayed home and at my Dad's.
My sleep schedule is completely out of wack, thanks to Austin.
But that's okay, I enjoy it :]
Gosh I could listen to him talk for hours, without me even saying a word. I could totally gush over him for quite a while, and go on and on, but that would probably be the most awkward moment ever, knowing he would read.
So I'm not. Ha ha.

I can't believe it's already Saturday! I have school on Tuesday! Which I'm kinda glad for, but kind of not. Ha I just remembered that on Tuesday and Wednesday we have this thing about abstinence before marriage. We'll be getting out of class anyway, so yay!

I wish it would snow. Snow is so pretty and it does not happen very often. The next time it does, I'm going to take pictures. One day I may move somewhere, were it snows more often :]

Today is just Oh so very happy :]

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sometimes I wish..

That Austin did not read my blog! Ha, because I can't exactly talk about him. :]