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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

All Time Low

These boys are All Time Low.
They are awesome!
I just started listening to them, but they may just be my new favorite band.
I also added like 8 of there songs in my blog music.
(I could not decide, ha)

He is in the band :]

It's New Years, Baby!

GOOD BYE 2008!!
Finally, it's here! 2008 Actually seemed like a short year, though. Short, but good. I think I may have changed a lot during this year, too.  What would be better at this moment then a list? 

Here is a list of my 2008:
-I kept some old friends (the ones who were actually to be found friends) and made new ones.
- I learned to not judge people, not to hold grudges, and not to hate. 
- Finally stopped caring what people thought
- Found a love for reading and writing
- Started to blog :]
- Fell in and out of love
- Had my heart broken. Twice. By the same guy. 
- I had a rumor going around school about me and someone else, that was actually true, but I still deny it. I will never tell what that rumor is, by the way, so don't ask.
- My two friends and I were chased by a desperate boy. Crazy story. 
- Broke a few rules.
- Fought over a guy with a friend.

-I was the other girl
-Had/ still have a stalker...ha
- Had an obsession with Twilight. Still do :]
- Was in my first car wreak, that scared me to death, but it was nowhere near bad. 
- Went to Summer camp for four weeks. Loved it. But probably won't go back :[
- Wrote five chapters of a book
- Changed my perspective on life completely

I have posted these before, but here's a reminder.

New Year's Resolutions (in no order):
- Read 100 books
- Write a completed novel
- Make blog headers that I can actually be proud of making
- Inspire someone
- Make a username that I LOVE (I have been trying to do this my entire internet life!)
- I just realized, in 2009 I'm turning 15, so learn to drive =] 
- Make good grades. 
- Survive my first year of highschool (well the first half) 
- Build friendships with new and old friends
- Try not to die of suspense, while waiting on the New Moon movie
- Stay healthy :]
- Go to sleep before mid-night on a normal bases
- Watch the Twilight movie at least 99 times :] haha.. just kidding
-Make memories I'll remember for the first of my life
-And last, but not least- Make 2009 the best year ever!

Isn't a new year just an adrenaline rush!? Or is that just me?
Today I was thinking that you guys are awesome! You actually take your time to read the not-so-important things I have to say, and sometimes comment about it :]
Even though this is just the internet and all, that makes y'all awesome friends.  And of course you all are the only ones who understand my blogger obsession :]
So thanks for being awesome bloggers, one of my favorite kinds of people, haha :]
HELLO 2009!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Never Mind.

Well they decided we're not going to go, because they don't want to take kids when they go. Whatever.
And Howard's stupid daughter is getting on my nerves worrying if she was going to get to go. Early I had my myspace status saying something about maybe getting to go to Hawaii and I got a message from her saying who was I going to Hawaii with, then a text saying the exact same thing. Then i changed it to I was excited and she did the exact same thing asking why I was excited. 
The real reason I'm not getting to go to Hawaii is because Howard doesn't want to take his own daughters.
It's their fault. 
Maybe if they cared more about money and vacations thing might have been a little different. 

Then my mom ask if their is anywhere I want to go that all of us can go. I said I didn't know and she said Okay.
So we're not going anywhere.
Now i'm freakin' mad. 
If she wouldn't and brought it up in the first place I would have been peachy with the idea of staying home.
All I have to say is:



Okay, so here I am sitting bored and home alone. My Mom calls:

Mom-Hey  when do you go back to school?
Me- the 6th.
Mom- Oh.
Me- Why?
Mom- We were thinking about going on a trip.
Me- oh where?  (I'm thinking Florida or Gatlinburg) 
Mom- Hawaii. Call you back in a minute.
Me- Umm okay.

So that's basically how it went. Wow, that is so out of the blue. She also said we would not be back until the 8th. I guess I'll be back with a yay or nay.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Well I got bored while waiting on someone to text me back. 
So what do you do when your bored?
Take pictures!?
Ha ha...

Hello :]


 Ha I need to clean my mirror(behind me) 
Ha ha Iron Man is on my bulletin board. 

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thinking is dangerous

I'm writing this with tears streaming down my face, from thoughts that I had  hidden far away in my mind.

Sometimes I just have those moments where when everything seems to be going right, one thing changes it all. 
I won't let it change, though.
Everyone has fears, right? I think my biggest fears are not making something of myself; being a failure and/or not being loved.

I spent five minutes staring at this screen, i find myself with nothing more to say, the past just needs to go away.

Some things you don't care about

Well hello all you wonderful people :]
I am amazingly happy today. I'm not really sure why...

I've sort of, kind of finished re-doing my blog. I'm not really sure about that either. Ha, I could change something else.

Oh- and I finally changed my music! I'll probably be adding more to it though. It has a little bit of everything on it!

Last night I stayed up REALLY late, but I enjoyed every minute of it :] I'm not even sleepy right now! I'm sure it will hit me later.

I'm also going to add one of those current things to the side bar when I get around to it.

Well this post was pretty pointless.
So here are some short shout-outs:

Emily- I will make your header, If I have to post a post it note to my head to remember! I'm sorry, haha.

Meg, Katelyn, and Ali- Y'all are just awesome so I thought I'd say Hi :]

Austin- I'm thinking you gave up on the whole blogging thing, am I right? :] ha

Dekota- Give it up already, we aren't going to talk to you!

Ash, Mary Clare, and the other Megan- Thanks for saying something about my header :]

Everyone else who is reading- Thanks :]

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Re-doing Blog

So it might look weird or not match.....just so you know. haha

Friday, December 26, 2008


Happy Birthday Austin!!
(You have to be really awesome to get a happy birthday post!)
So basically, have a happy birthday.
For those of you who don't know him, which is all of you(ha), he is pretty awesome.
He is sweet, and he's not an idiot like most guys :]
He always has the ability to make me smile, even when he doesn't know it.
He also gives the best complements :]
(Although I don't agree with most)
Hopefully, I'll be able to wish you a happy birthday next year, too!

Please Don't

Okay, I know I was planning on not saying anything about Dekota, (My stalker, that's not really a stalker, but stalker-ish), but this just makes me so mad!
He made a post titled "Here are some poems I wrote", and he so did not write them. You can just tell, and I'm about 99.9% sure of it. 
Even if he did, wouldn't this make him sort of gay? >>>
You're my man, my mighty king,
And I'm the jewel in your crown,
You're the sun so hot and bright,
I'm your light-rays shining down,

You're the sky so vast and blue,
And I'm the white clouds in your chest,
I'm a river clean and pure,
Who in your ocean finds her rest,

You're the mountain huge and high,
I'm the valley green and wide,
You're the body firm and strong,
And I'm a rib bone on your side,

You're an eagle flying high,
I'm your feathers light and brown,
You're my man, my king of kings,
And I'm the jewel in your crown.

There are others that are kind of out there too, that make it seem like he did not write them.

PEOPLE! There is nothing I can't stand more than taking what someone else did, and saying it's yours! (I know there's a word for it, but I don't think I spell it right, haha)
So don't do it! 

Santa Thinks Edward Cullen Is Sexy, too :)

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Your probably asking, "Jamie, what did you get for Christmas?", Okay well your more than likely not, but i'll tell you anyway :)

Santa(a.k.a Dad and Jessi)
Team Edward T-Shirt :)
a jacket
two books
Aero gift card
Itunes gift card 
awesome boots
a purse
awesome socks, haha

Flat screen (woot-woot!) ha
Money, which turned into an ihome, itunes gift card, and new earphones
a book- Paper Towns


Uncle Steven
four books

Uncle John

Aunt Elizabeth
This ugly purse and perfume haha

a cute tote bag :)

itunes gift card

a sweater, and a hoodie

Then there are a couple things I have not got yet, but they are gift cards. I'm sure I probably forgot something, too. ha
Oh, and to my stalker-
I'm not the only one calling you a stalker, everyone who I asked about you (when I did not know who you were) called you a stalker. If you want me to stop saying it, then here's what you should do.
1. Don't copy and past what I write.
2. Don't mention me in your blog post (and I won't in mine!)
3. If I don't text you back, don't keep texting me, please.
4. Don't be stalker-ish at school. 

See, that's easy!

Guess what, everyone!? Only four more days until 2009!!! Yay!!!
I need to go back and find the post with New Year's resolutions, I forgot most of them, haha.
I'm hoping I can actually read 100 books in a year. I know I could, but I'm really good at procrastination. I could probably give lessons on it.

Guess what else, everyone!? It's Austin's birthday tomorrow! :) So even though you don't know him, wish him a happy birthday in the comments! Or in his special "Happy Birthday Austin!!" post tomorrow, ha.

Well it's  time for me to eat :) i'll most likely have a new post out tonight.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Santa Clause is Coming to Town

About 30 minutes ago we saw Rudolph's shining nose in the sky. 
Then when we got home we sprinkled the grass with cereal for that reindeer, and milk & cookies for Santa.
I hope I was good this year. I guess we will see tomorrow when I wake up!!

Haha.. Christmas is so fun with a three year old.

Dramatic Much?

Okay, so maybe I was a little dramatic and exaggerated, but it still is a little creepy. 
I won't say is a stalker, but I will say he is a little stalker-ish. And haha wow, he just sent me a good morning text...

In other news...

Merry Christmas Eve!
I really have no clue what's planned for today, but i'm sure i'll find out soon enough. I hope everyone has the best time ever with there families!

Don't you just love that amazing intoxicated feeling someone gives you, from just the littlest things?----Yeah, me too =]
I have decided I am going to have and AWESOME post on New Years, I don't really know what's going to be awesome about it, BUT it will be there! haha..

*Oh, and I'm changing my music when I find the time.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I have the details

Okay I texted the number that was on my friend's comment and at first they would not tell me who it is. Finally, they told me, Dakota Shingleton.

I did some research (lol) and I know for a fact it's him now.
He goes to my school. I don't know hime personally, but he knows me (creepy) Well, everyone says he is this loser 7th grader and he tends to stalk people (ugh!). He has a huge crush on one of my best friend, Ariel, too.

Oh, if I did not make it clear before, the creepy breathing voice mail was from him. 

After my friend, Emily, repeatedly yelled at him, he said he would take it down. 
When he was asked why he stole all my info, he said because I was the coolest he had saw and he did not like to type.

Okay, he is a guy!  In my about me and stuff it talks about Edward Cullen, and how he is amazing and well stuff girls would say!

This just makes me angry and it kinda weirds me out. 

I already said this, but I just want to emphasize: He is known to be stalker-ish. 

This post is pretty much me just rambling on...

OMG I just thought of something.
There is this 7th grader who follows me around and trys to talk to me at school, and I THINK his name might be Dakota. Not sure, but I'll find out.

Ugh- you would think I made this up, but I didn't.

it is the person I was talking about! I officially have a stalker.

Omg quick update

I have a name and a creepy voice mail that only has heavy breathing on it.


Letting the anger out

I was on my friend, Ariel's, blog. I saw she had a new comment and I thought it would be from her in reply to me. So I looked.
It's from someone named fantisyboy1995. I noticed 2 things: They left there phone number and it's somewhere near me, and their picture is the same picture as my header. So I click on them.


They have my about me, my interest, my movies, my music, with just a few changes or added things.

So I freak. I mean it's a little weird! They ripped off my blogger profile! 

So I call my friend Ariel. She did not know who it was. 
Then I texted the number and they won't tell me who they are! UGH. 
I will be back with an update.

If you'd like to see...

My profile:

Fantisyboy1995's Profile:

Monday, December 22, 2008

I love my Ipod Touch

Well today, I got Apps on my Ipod. I forgot just how much I loved my Ipod. I also forgot how fast I can spend 20 bucks on itunes.
My favorite app/game is Tap Tap Revenge and it's FREE! It is awesome, and has good songs. I would be playing at this very moment, but I'm charging my Ipod. I decided to get on the computer to see if Austin was on. Which he is NOT. I am bored. Grr.

Today I went to a christmas thing. There was yummy food =]. There was also a bunch of people I'm not around much, so I just sat there kind of awkwardly and followed my aunt Angie and aunt Amy around when I could. 

This is not exactly the interesting blog post I had in mind, but I'm sleepy.

Good night, Blogger =]

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I would love to write details on yesterday, but I don't have much time. So here is a little something-something =]
- Once everyone got there on Saturday we went to pick up my Uncle Thomas, and Howard's two girls, Taylor and Mckenzie.
- Then we went out to eat. There was 13 of us!
- After that we went to watch the Rockettes. It was better than I expected. 
-We got home close to Mid-night and we all sat around telling stories and reminiscing. It was defiantly a highlight of the night. 
- It was around 1:30 when I finally went to sleep.
-We got up at 8 and went and ate breakfast.
-After that, they all headed back to Alabama. =[

As for the rest of today:
-When I got back home, I started packing to go to my dad's.
- My Grandmother picked me up, and we went shopping.
- My mom gave me Christmas money and I bought an ihome, $50 in itunes (which I already spent), and new earphones.
- The rest of the day I have been at my dad's
- Haha my 3 year old brother found our presents from Santa =]
- I was thinking, since I have 5 books I have never read, I might cheat and count them as I read them in 2009 =]

Well i'll be back soon to make a more interesting post!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Today is either going to be really fun, or really miserable. I'm not really sure yet.
Today my mom's family is coming up from Alabama, and Howard's daughters are coming. Here's the roll call:
My mom, her boyfriend Howard
Me & Howard's daughters Taylor and McKenzie
My uncle Jon, his wife Anna
My uncle Steven, his girlfriend (I don't know her name), and her daughter (I don't know her name, either)
My uncle Thomas
My aunt Elizabeth, her husband Kenny

I think that's everyone. They are all staying the night too, except Howard's daughter. Therefore, I have to give up my bed. Boo. 

We are going out to eat and we are going to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular: The Rockettes  So that MIGHT be fun, who knows.

I would just liked to say, at this very moment I'm listening to Umbrella by: Rihanna and it's going to be in my head all day.
When the sun shine, we'll shine together
told you i'll be here forever
Said i'll always be a friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella 
(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh)
Under my umbrella
(Ella ella, eh eh eh, eh eh eh)

=] Have a great day!

Friday, December 19, 2008


You were probably thinking to yourself "Who's the guy other than kyle?"
 (Ha I know I said I would not mention him again, but it was needed for the story)
Well, do you think I should tell you?
Do you really think I should tell you?
Well, of course I'm going to tell my blog!
His name is Austin. He is sweet and I enjoy talking to him. He just acts different than most guys. I'm not really sure if the whole thing is going to work out, for a few reasons.

Maybe it will.

Maybe it won't.

Who Knows.

But I like him =]

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Official "I'm over it" Post

Today something happened that has been needed to happen for a while. 
I have been saying I'm over the whole Kyle thing, and I was 99.9% sure that was true. I ALMOST hate him really. 
But today something added that extra 00.1% 
I was listening to some stupid love song, and then I realized I was thinking of someone other than Kyle.
Ladies and Gents, I think that is the proof we needed =]
Well, It's good enough for me anyways. 
I know your probably sick of reading about him, because I am sick of writing him. So I think this will be the last time you hear about him (Unless something epic happens, of course). I would like to add one last thing though.......
Today as I was reader a few blogs I read a post titled "Hidden Letters Revealed". In this post she mentioned finding a few letters she found under her mattress. 
This made me think of a few things I did. "Are they still there?" I thought to myself. Curiosity struck me, so I had to get up and look. 
I carefully slipped my hand in between my mattresses to find three pieces of paper that had been out of a notebook, my poetry notebook to be pacific. (Yeah, I don't write anymore, I SUCKED!)
I then remember vividly the time I had put them there. I was looking though many things and throwing away anything that reminded me of him. I had already threw away some things I wrote, but I could not find myself to throw these away. It was all that was left, out of everything. So, I stashed then into the place I just retrieved them from. 
Well, here they are...
Deep inside there's an unknown feeling
of love for the one i hate
is it too late
to take back the lies 
of unwanted lullabies 
knowing that i'm afraid 

afraid of love
afraid of trust

or maybe something more
but if this feeling is true 
and i do come running back to you
how do i know you feel the same 
how do i know if you love me too?

I make myself believe
the only way to know
is to take your hand 
and let you show 
there's more to us
there's love

now that i'm thinking it through
i know i have to choose
do i truly want you? 
yes,i do, i love you

love rehab
24 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes, and 3 seconds
since i last spoke to you
the pain is extreme
the voices in my head are screaming
my body is freezing
and breaking out in sweat
minute after minute it gets worse
i drop to my knees
tears start to fall
my addiction to you 
is so hard to drop
i must stick through
to get over you
because loving you is like a drug
it is poisioning me
after i can finally face you
i will never take your love again

You were the one boy who made me think day and night 
who made it all alright
the one boy who made me smile 
then end it all in one night 
it was such a surprise
until i realized what all was on my mind 
this love was untrue, nothing to do with you
just the thought of having someone
now were over, everything is though
and i don't really care about you

You may comment on these if you'd like, but just so you know you won't hurt my feelings in any way by telling me how bad these are. I am aware of the suck. ha. That's why I stopped. 

So Close to The Win

Wow. Today was fun. Like really Fun.
So let me get to it!
I woke up at 7 am. So obviously, I was late to school. I did not miss much. Today was a reward day, but I did not get to go this time, because I had missed a few days and a whole other story that consists of my history teacher being an idiot.
So 1st period was English, but our teacher, Couch Reasonover, was at the reward thing. So Our class went to Mrs. Whitworth's class, which is math. I did a little bit of Accelerated Math (ugh) and ate Skittles I found in my locker. My friend Ariel had left me three bags of skittles in there =]
The bell rang and I went to Literature. We continued watching the movie we were watching. I forgot it's name, but it's a black and white movie with a happy ending =] I loved it. (my friends and I also ate skittles!)
Next, was break. There was hardly anyone in there, because most people were at the reward thing. Oh, and only 8th grade got to come to break. I was a pretty awesome break that consisted of skittles, cart wheels, round offs, duck duck goose, and dancing. Wonderful.
Then there's history. Mr. Holt was not there either so our class got sent to Science. We had Mrs. R as our Sub. I honestly don't think anyone likes her! Anyways..
We watched the rest of Tex that we never got to finish before. It's a good movie. Then she put in some Coral Reef crap. Not good. Still had fun though. There was me, Ashlee, Amber, Austin, and Caleb (ugh). We ate gummy bears and finishes off my skittles. Austin and Ashlee kept joking around about the Coral Reef video. We all where laughing and we kept getting yelled at. that would help.
When the bell finally rang to leave Mr. R i realized I had science next and would be in the same class. Though this time there was only like 9 of us because there was not another class added to us. We talked her into not showing us a science movie, and just talked. We also drew each others pictures. Ha That was fun. I am a HORRIBLE drawer, by the way.
In lunch, not even half of us was there. I sat by Cameron and In front of Staci. There where some random people further down the table that weren't really important. We had nasty pizza, but good conversation. Oh, and my friend Krista got in trouble and now has ISS. She is stupid, and skipped class. She did not even do a good job at it! (although, I would not skip class!)
Afterwards, I had PE. We only had half of the class actually. I spent it talking to Danielle and Jessica. Danielle and I laughed the whole time basically...haha.
The really fun part of the day was next.
We had a Student Council arranged Christmas assembly. The main thing was the reverse raffle. Everyone who brought in canned foods around Thanksgiving, got a tickets, depending on how much they brought. They could get up to five tickets.
The way a reverse raffle works is the LAST ticket drawn is the winner. They had been drawing tickets all day and announcing it to classes.
Well, I was REALLY close to the end, but ended up losing.
In between calling out ticket numbers we played games like: Let's make a deal and Finish the lyrics, Christmas edition. It was so fun to watch.
The bell rang while we were still in the auditorium, so we all had to hurry back to our lockers, then to the bus. So my friends and I decided to fun. Ha. Then we made it into a race. I don't really know who got to the lockers, then to the bus first. No one knows, but it was fun, and tiring.
Krista and I started arguing about something and I don't even remember what, it was stupid. So we stopped talking and since we have assigned seats, I spent most of the ride starring out the window.
At home I got on the internet for a minute, read some, watched Ellen, and at the moment I'm watching Grey's Anatomy and blogging.
I just realized it was the last day of school, before the break. That is fantastic on so many levels.
I hope everyone has a nice holiday break =]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Wonderful Best Friends I Have

I thought since many of you don't personally know me, I should make a post about my wonderful best friends. You may have heard me talk about them before, so I just thought you might want to know a little :]

Lauren- She is my bestest friends of all =] Often called my besties, ha. I did not know her until last year, 7th grade, and we had every class together. So because of that we became good friends. This year we only have one class together, but we are better friends than ever. Haha we plan to go to Forks, Washington when we turn 18. (that is sort of a joke, by the way, ha).

Ariel- I met Ariel in 6th grade. At one point we were best friends, then not, and now we are again. I can always count on her to do dorky things with me like our "notebooks", NaNoWriMo, and Blogging. She is also very trust- worthy really. You tell her something, and she will not tell ANYONE! She also adds maturity to my day, which I really need, because immature people get on my nerves.

Krista- I have known Krista longer than any of my friends. 6 years. She is sort of like my little sister. And being like a little sister, she gets on my nerves sometimes, but I love her! If it was not for her on the bus, I would die of boredom. She is also the only friend I have ever fought with over a guy. Yeah...that was interesting..haha. But that's way over with now, he is an idiot.

Carson- She is so much fun to be around. We became good friends at the end of last year, and apparently, I stole her, haha. So yeah, I'm a friend stealer. ...Ugh stupidity kills me sometimes. Oh, Carson and I have a future rap career together if my whole writer thing doesn't work out :]

These are my BEST friends :] I love you guys!

And he's not important anymore, but since I talk about him I fell I should talk about him.
Kyle- The name itself makes me want me yell at someone. Kyle and I have been off and on since 6th grade. Now I'm sure it's completely over. He has had a girlfriend, Amy, for four months. There's been a time before when we were broke up for almost five months and with other people, but Amy is different. Although for three of those months he was with Amy, he told me repeatedly how he still loved me, and wanted to be with me, blah blah blah. When I finally got sick of it and made him choose, he said me, yet nothing ever happened. So, I told him all this stuff and pretty much "disliked" him ever since. This is not the only time i've "disliked" him either. This summer, after us both taking things more serious, he broke up with me for what people were saying. And this was the day AFTER he told me a bunch of crap that made me think it would be different this time. The other time was back around the beginning of 2007, because for some reason I just could not stand him. I could go on with tons of stories, but I though me just telling you this would be easier.

Project for Awesome

It is Project for Awesome day on Youtube. So go search Project for Awesome on Youtube!!! :]

Well last night, like I mentioned I was really tired (thanks to Austin, so thanks!).
Well I went to sleep from 6 PM- 8:30 PM, Then again at 9. I woke up this morning feeling wonderful!!

Finally our Exams are over. I am so thankful for that!
Nothing excited happened today really. Except, we put up our tree. It's late I know. I hated doing it too. It was horrible, ha. My mom and I argue very easily.
Oh, the highlight of my day was this, click here,
My friend Ariel wrote me a wonderful post to me.
Ariel, I love you so much and I have since 6th grade. We have defiantly had our ups and downs, but you are certainly are such a great friend. I always know I can trust you. Your always good to complain to, too, ha. Your very smart, hard working and talented. I know sometimes I may seem irritated with you, which I probably am, but I'm saying sorry, because it's just out of jealousy, which I should not have. I just forget sometimes your so good at everything! (really people, she is!) You might not remember this, but I do: The first time we ever had a real conversation was in the 6th grade when we were wearing the same leggings, and we wear walking to lunch. That was when we first became friends! You are one of my best friends and I completely understand all the things you do. If I ever said anything I should not have (and I know I have), I'm sorry. I hope we stay friends forever (Ugh, such a cliche).

Like I just said she is on of my best friends. (oh, by the way Ariel, I never hated you!!). I have a post in the works of all the important people :]

Now I have to go watch Project for Awesome videos.
Post ya later (ha I soo just stole that from Ali! It's a one time only thing, I promise :) )

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Need Sleep!

Today I have been so tired! So i'll tell a short summary of my day, then I'm going to relax while watching Ellen. Hopefully, after that I will fall asleep.

I woke up at 6:50 a.m. Extremely late.
My english teacher informed me that I looked as if I was about to pass out.
Spent all day, almost falling asleep.
Took my history and math exams.
I got on Blogger from my Ipod Touch, so a few friends could read. Listened to some music too.
Mrs. Hitchcook gave us candy and coke for christmas. Yum. Skittles are amazing, someone could give me a perfect Christmas gift, by giving me ever flavor of Skittles.

So yeah, that was exactly how exciting my day was, or at least what I remember.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Today was..Hmm

This morning I had one of those moments everyone has at least once in there lives, the moment in which they ask themselves, "Am I on Drugs?!"
This is how the story goes-
At about 3:30 A.M. I started reading, New Moon. Of course, as you all know, I love Twilight. I think Stephenie Meyer is a wonderful writer, and after I read her writing, I feel more inspired to write.
At around 5:15 A.M I started to get ready was school. So, here I am hunting for a particular shirt and I'm thinking about my own book. I was thinking about writing it, pacifically.
~Now read carefully, this may be a little confusing to explain.~ Then I come upon a shirt that was rather ugly. Now in my mind I was thinking "I'm glad I never actually wore this shirt" I thought to myself.
I actually thought the words, I thought to myself, and I honestly don't know if I was doing it before I caught myself. It was an odd moment, if I must say so.

Then, I had to ride the bus, which I don't do often in the morning. It was fun, actually, considering I was really hyper. I was even being funny and making everyone laugh, it was pretty amazing I was doing that.
Lauren gave me my christmas present today. It was a white tote bag, with blue writing. It's so soft and I love it =]
In English, I was so lucky Couch Reasonover asked nothing about my make up work. Not so lucky, I think he forgot because of the pile of work we have to do to study for the exam.
I was so happy for a snow day, but not now. Friday was intended to be just studying for our exams, which are this week. So basically, we lost three whole days to do our study guides and such.
In reading, we actually took our nine weeks exam. It was beyond easy.
History, now that was a wonderful class. Not. We were all in our normal seats. Byron in the back and Lauren beside him. Then in front of Byron is Kyle, then me. Today was not a normal day in history. The whole class we got to talk and we all found ourselves socializing with each other, like we were a group, like there was a we.\
But don't worry the happiness does not stick around.
Kyle kept making these remarks toward me. They were casual, yet insulting. So, I returned the favor, and did the same thing to him.
We somehow ended up in this conversation, that even made Lauren and Byron stop what they were doing to pay close attention.
It went something like this;
(We were referring to Lauren and I making a joke about us hating him, then him saying in all seriousness he did not care he was us to it.)
Jamie- (Still trying to make it as a joke) Lauren doesn't hate you! She's just joking.
Kyle- Yeah, well your not.
Jamie- Well, that's me. But like you said, It's no like you care.
Kyle- I don't, I'm use to it.
Jamie- You never did care, so I guess it's not a big deal.
Kyle- Yeah, I did, but not now.
Jamie- Oh, well you had a funny way of showing it. But, hey your not the only one who doesn't care , so whatever.
Kyle- Yeah whatever, see there;s no reason to care.
Jamie- I think we already pointed it out several times in the past that you did not, so shall we discuss why you were worthless again?
He said nothing, and I thought to myself, "Yeah, that's what I thought!"
Then he had the gall to call me and ask for the answers to our science homework. Ugh, Idiot.
The last class of the day was Math. Math is my favorite, and best class of the day. Our teacher, Mrs. Whitworth, she is not really nice nice to anyone, but she's a little nicer to me than most, because i'm a good student. Well, anyways, I was sleepy. So I made myself look extra not-feeling-well. I ended up sleeping the entire class, with Mrs. Whitworth saying a word, and I know she saw. Ha, I'm just that awesome :]

Twilight Update

I am Team Switzerland!! Whoo-Hoo.
There's a band called The Bella Cullen Projest, they kind of suck as singers, but I like the lyrics.

*My post about my day with be up before the night is over, kind of interesting.

A New Perspective

It's 3 A.M. in the morning? Reading New Moon and Blogging of course!
I think it was last week I started reading New Moon again. About an hour ago I started in the place I had stopped. I am currently on chapter 15, page 342.
Re-reading this book has changed so much for me. Before I was 100% Team Edward, now I'm 60% Team Edward, 40% Team Jacob :]
Edward is amazing, so amazing I was completely shunned off from the idea of liking Jacob with Bella. Jacob is pretty amazing himself.
So last night I found myself embarrassed. Someone of the male gender, haha, was reading my blog. It was not like a glance at it for a second type thing either. He actually skimmed through it all. What made me so nervous was that I don't know him very well, and I don't know how his mind works. I was not sure how he would look at things. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot.
As a matter of fact, he is probably reading this now. If so, Hi :]
The good thing about it is, I actually made him start his own blog. Wonderful, I know. His first post, Enslaved to the Blog, said this:
"This blog was created 45 seconds ago therefore only the thoughts of the last minute and 2 seconds can be used (took some time to type this). Basically just to prove a point I'm going to throw my thoughts into cyberspace where they will dissappear without ever being cared about.
Good things about this post:
First time ever "blogging"
He also created two more post which consisted of words like these: "i was beginning to doubt my own pulse myself." "I may find myself devoting way to much effort to something that only i will read." "hope i dream about being a dolphin, or even a goldfish, anything swimmy will do kinda in a swimmy mood."i just turned around and i think the pillow was crying because it misses my head so much. thats my cue.
-goodnight fair world, see you in the morning with any luck."

I cannot believe he actually made a blog. I think it may just be interesting. I very much favored the last two lines.

I shall get back to my reading. Peace out! *Ugh, Why did she just say that?* Well, voice in my head, I do not know.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I just got four comments from four different people, that I don't personal know, woot! Haha.....
I am procrastinating, procrastinating. (If that's even possible)

Here lately I have been getting into different music. I like all music anyways, but I tend to focus on the music that's already around me (friends, radio, etc..)
So please suggest some awesome bands =]

Oh, tomorrow I get my christmas present from Lauren. We were just texting, and then she is like "Oh, I'm bringing you Christmas present tomorrow."
Then, I reply with "Awesome! Give me a hint :]" In my mind, I'm thinking "No!!! Your is not ready yet!!!!"
So basically, I'm going to look like a horrible friend when I get a gift and she doesn't. I can't say what it is, but I do have her a gift, It's just not ready! It will be about Wednesday though, so she'll get it then.

May I complain for a moment? Thanks.
My phone is getting on my last nerve! I have a Samsung Glide, and the touch screen has been screwing up lately. I'll touch one thing, and it will click another or do nothing at all. So I have to mess with it for minutes at a time when it goes on it's little spell. Ugh!!! Stop it phone!

Only five days until winter break! Yay!! I'll be out of school for two weeks!

Well I need sleep, goodnight!

-Katelyn, I love your playlist!! I am listening to it at the moment =]

That was smart

I looked half an hour in my closet for a pair of shoes that was beside my door. Nice Jamie.

The New Year

Wow. It's 2008 is going to be over in a mere 23 days. Then It will be 2009, the new year. If I said I was excited, that would be an understatement. New Years is my favorite holiday of all. This year I have a New Year's resolution strategy, and I suggest this to anyone who has problems keeping there resolution. I've figured if I make a whole bunch of resolutions, I'm bond to keep some. Smart idea, right? :]
I'm going to share them with you right now, and I'd love to hear yours!

New Year's Resolutions (in no order):
- Read 100 books
- Write a completed novel
- Make blog headers that I can actually be proud of making
- Inspire someone
- Make a username that I LOVE (I have been trying to do this my entire internet life!)
- Get a Flip Mino Camcorder (If I don't get it for christmas)
- I just realized, in 2009 I'm turning 15, so learn to drive =]
- Make good grades.
- Survive my first year of highschool (well the first half)
- Build friendships with new and old friends
- Fall in love (haha, I had to add that one!)
- Try not to die of suspense, while waiting on the New Moon movie
- Stay healthy :]
- Go to sleep before mid-night on a normal bases
- See the moon on the night when it's the closest to the Earth, and at it's largest (this year it was this Friday, but I missed it [read about it])
- Watch the Twilight movie at least 99 times :] haha..
-Make memories I'll remember for the first of my life
-And last, but not least- Make 2009 the best year ever!

Okay, I don't think I forgot anything. I'm feeling random, so I'm just going to start listing things I love from the top of my head! It sounds fun.
Rain//Snow//Fall//Blogs//Blogger//Comments//Friends//New Years//Besties//Music//Ipods//Ipod touches//Laptops//Books//Happiness//Love//Headers//Phones//Texting//Clocks//Lamps//Pillows//Email//Instant Messenger//Boys//Edward Cullen//Robert Pattionson//Twilight//Smiles//Blue//Green//Purple//Yellow//Sundrop//Smoothies//Smoothie Kings//Family//Fun//Movies//Pictures//Icons//Dancing//Singing//Showers//Reese Cups//Skittles//Happy Days//Mexican Food//Notebooks//Pens//Markers//Calendars//Time//Youtube//Gossip Girl//Ghost Hunters//90210//Wizards of Waverly Place//H20//The-N//Internet//Taylor Swift//Hearts//Stars//Night//Sunsets//Sunrise//Randomness//Mail//Etc...

Wow, that was amazing :]
Have a wonderful day:
Miss Ash
Mary Clare
OR anyone who could possible be reader this blog! (If I did not list you, I'd love if you left a commet and tell me your name) =]


Saturday, December 13, 2008

All I want for Christmas is you...

The Flip Mino Camcorder! This is the only thing I want for christmas, really. All thought I probably won't get the one with the design, sad I know. My Mother has this thing about putting her credit card info online. Your probably thinking "A lot of people think that, no big deal." But no. My Mother was fine with it, until I want something! Ugh, the horrible things in my life....

Headers I made

I may update this soon. There not very good, but hey I made them! (Some I took from other pictures and just added to it & such)
(I'm also making some right now, that are a little better)

1000 Blog Views!

(There is actually a little bit more, but I just noticed!)

1000 Blog Views!!!! Yay!!!!!


I've been tagged!!

1.Each blogger must post these rules first.

2.Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.

3.Blogger that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.

4.At the end of your blog,you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

5.Don't forget to leave them a comment,telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.

8 Random Facts About Me:
1. I straightening my hair.
2. I LOVE the show Ghost Hunters.
3. I also LOVE 90210, Gossip Girl, Ellen, H2O (haha), the channel Current, Kath & Kim, Grey's Anatomy, Law & Order, and Youtube (yes that counts!)
4. The reason I started blogging, was because I thought Megan's blog was awesome!!
5. Most of the music I listen to is from in the emerging artist section, it's free and no one has ever heard of it, sometimes you can find some really cool songs. That's how I find Kyle Williams, and he is one of my favorites.
6. My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6000.
7. I REALLY want a Blackberry(or a smartphone), but I'm 99.9% I won't get one. When I'm older, I will though =]
8. I love, Love, Love my blog  <3

8 People I Tag:
(I barely know 8 blogger people, haha)
1. Ali
2. Megan
3. Sidney
4. Su-Su
5. Cathrine
6. Katelyn
7. Emily
8. Jennifer

Friday, December 12, 2008

Did someone say a long post?

No, no one said that, but i'm going to make one!  =]

Hello. It is exactly 12:27 a.m. and I am wide awake! To bad I have nothing to do. I don't really understand why i'm so excited for winter break, because I'll have nothing to do then, too. I really just want a break from school. I like school, I really do, but I need a break. I'm sure everyone does, considering most people don't want to go to school at all.
I have decided another thing to put on my New Years resolutions. I want to make a blog header that makes me proud to say "Hey, I made that!" I still have no idea how Meg makes hers. I find it impossible to make some of them in Paint, maybe I misunderstood? 
This post is really random and I'm just writing as I think it, so right now I'm going to thank Ali. She is such a good blog reader! Ha. You read and comment basically all my post, and I think you are so completely awesome for that!
I have noticed that blogger is like a little community. I have noticed that everyone is pretty much acquainted with each other (okay, I know there are thousands of people on blogger, but I mean the blogs that we actually read). Like, If you read a blog, then go to see you they follow, then to who they follow, then to who they follow, and so on they basically come back to the same people. I think that is kind of cool, except I'm not really known by anyone, haha. 
 Twilight News! Okay, so I was watching What The Buck on youtube, haha, and he mention that they don't want to re-hire what's his name to play Jacob, because he is too baby faced and not big enough. His agent suggested they digitally enhance him. I personally don't think he should get the part. It's nothing against him really, it's just he is not Jacob Black, he never will be. 
I can't stand the fact that New Moon is not going to be in theaters until 2010. It's not fair. She should at least write another book! That would so work, haha. Our she could write a Jacob and Renessme(that's how you spell it right?) spin off. I mean, that has to be an interesting relationship, a werewolf and a half vampire!? It can't just be left unsaid. Haha..Jacob is going to be Edward son-in-law. That is hilarious. If you really think about it, like really think about it, you could have seen it all coming. Not that it was not great, because I'm a total Twi-hard fan, but if you were thinking outside the box and what could be interesting. 
Oh, I have realized I have lied a lot on here. Not lying intentionally, but say I was going to do something then not. Like start working on my new story- did not do it; work on the old one-did not do; read Romeo and Juliet, only read half. I could probably go on, but from here on out, I'm going to do as I say, especially if I posted it on my blog, and there is proof I said it =]

I also want to say Hi to Katie, so Hi Katie =]

Blogger is amazing. I love it, I am addicted. I get on way to much, I'm not even going to say how much. I also love youtube. I really want to start making youtube videos, It sounds fun, haha. Maybe I will if I get a Flip Mino for Christmas =]

I updated my playlist, and I'm about to again once I post this. I also put it on auto, because it's awesomer that way =]

ALERT! KYLE! okay... I think I might have decided to be friends with him. I just really don't know. Honestly, (This is the one, and only time I'll ever admit this.) I'm scared to. Because this summer, I guess you could say he broke my heart, and then we become best friends and said all that was said, then he did it again and it was 2x as worse. I have a feeling it would just get worse, and I can't handle that, I barely did the first two times. I just don't know! Ugh! Any advice?

What I really need is another boy ;]

Just kidding---Sorta :]

Well, this post was a success.


>>>>Megan's awesome headers!

Those are Megan's awesome headers (obviously).

Today it snowed and we got out of school!! I was going to take pictures, but by the time I remembered, it was melting.
It was pretty boring today. I have nothing to talk yeah. I will make a long post soon, I promise!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Wow, oh wow, It's snowing!!
First snow of the year.
We will more than likely not have school. 
Please, thank the snow gods for me, because I have a weeks worth of english to do.
Wow, I am so happy.

Let it snow.
Let it snow.
Let us get out of school.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Yeah, I was bored and started looking though my pictures, so your going to get to see some random pics of me! They range from this summer until now.
                                                                        This week :]

                                                             A Few Months Back :]

This Summer :]

Bye :]

Forget about Yesterday

I'm just going to forget about yesterday, because to day was just a great day! It may not be even half way over yet, but I'm taking my chances. 

Wonderful things that have happened today:
-I went to the orthodontist, I twas not soo bad.
- Afterwards my Mom and I had a wonderful singing moment in the car of She Wouldn't be Gone by: Blake Shelton
- We went to Steak & Shake, and I ordered a large fry, which ended up being LARGE, therefore I did not eat them all.
- I also got a Sprit :]
- Oh, this was last night, but I'll count it as today; Someone said I was beautiful in German :]
- I got to sleep until 8, okay well 8:30 we were late, haha, but still good
- My orthodontist is nice, Dr. Fergusion.
- It's 11:49 and I'm not at school, nor will I be all day. Yay.
- I'm wearing awesome, striped knee socks!
- I ate a reese cup, that's always good.
- It was not really cold outside, well I think it was actually, but I did not notice, ha.
- It stopped raining, although I kind of like rain, I should move to Forks. 
-Hmm, I'm sure there is more, but I'm about to say Peace


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Today was not as good as other, but I'm not letting it get in the way of my new found happiness :]
I'm don't have much time so I'm going to make a list :] Two actually!

- I went to the dentist, but it was OKAY. 
- I had a history quiz, boo!! I have a feeling it was not such a good grade.
- Science=
Hannah: Ugh, I hate math that's in science!
Jamie: Oh, do you not get it? I understand I can help. Did you get *answer*?
Hannah: No, I got *her answer*
Jamie: *starts to explain why it's wrong*
Will: (Rudely) Hannah is an advanced Algebra student, I think she would know. Besides your kind of stupid. (is always talking about how i'm dumb {yet i'm usually right})
Hannah: Oh, I get it, thanks Jamie (i was right!!)
Jamie: *Loses her cool and yells and Will*
- Me and Kyle had an interesting conversation. I might post it all later, but basically He asked why I was being mean in class, I said I did not know I was, then we talked about me having hate for him, but him having non on me, he just wants to be good friends again, I said it's hard, he said why, long to short i did not want to get hurt again :[
- Some bad things, I can't say :(

- Sleep in until 8
- Actually tried to look good today AND wore make-up. Four people told me I looked good/pretty today :]
- Had a math test, I'm awesome at math
- The bus was FUN. I used Krista's mascara! It was BLUE! haha
- I'm entered into a contest for a $100,000 scholarship :]
-Mark is awesome :]
-New picture :]

I have to go I might remember something later! I really want to post now though, haha

Monday, December 8, 2008

Good Morning, Blogger

Consider it 1:07 am, I'm going to say good morning :]
I just woke up from a dream. Actually, I just woke up from a nightmare. I want to write it before I forget. 
I was in a dark room, and I could only see the outline of things. At first, it was quite, but then someone started whispering my name. I looked around trying to see where it came from, then along with the whispering, I heard crying from another person. That person was, Lauren, my best friend. She was telling me not to listen to the voices, as she said this the whispers become louder, and I realized it was coming from my head. I was hearing voices.  I wanted to walk over and help Lauren, but when I tried they started yelling at me. They were so loud that I could not think about anything else, much less move. I don't remember what they were saying, but I remember crying and telling them to leave me alone.

Strange, huh?


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bloggers Anonymous

There is a blog for bloggers anonymous...haha this made me laugh. 

Today was actually depressing. Like I said earlier(I think), I started reading New Moon again. Since almost everyone I know has read the Twilight saga, I'm sure your know what happened with Bella. I am currently on page 300. The way she feels, some how, even though it has not exactly happened to me, I feel I can relate. As I read each word, I could feel the emptiness and Bella felt. I mean I really felt. I don't even know if I can even explain it. I even felt it for Jacob this time. I want what Bella wants. I know this sounds really stupid, and I never noticed it until now, Bella and I are very alike (except I don't have a beautiful vampire and others in love with me :])
I'm actually that clumsy too, haha. I'm not sure i'm that accident prone, though. But her personality, and perspective is like mine. It's odd that she is only fictional. 

Today all I really done was read, and occasionally check blogger :] 
So, yeah, that's it...

Yesterday & Today ~~Random bits

Well yesterday was just the normal school day, I don't really remember anything important to say.. :]
After school, I packed my bag to go to my Dad's. Well actually since my Dad is at drill (he is in the national guard) I had to work for him at the store. (he owns a store{like a gas station haha} and my mom owns two and my grandparents own one!) So I worked with my Aunt Amy. We always end up acting crazy!! Really. It's fun, with boring times. And the Internet would not work, so that was horrible. I think I am really addicted to the Internet, it's not very healthy ha. My Dad was able to come home for the night, so I rode home with him. My step mom, Jessi, and I stayed up and watched some animal show, where animals were like attacking people and it was there survival stories. It was cool, :] then it was late, but I decided to start reading New Moon again. Last time I was so upset Edward left, I just hated Jacob. I decided to give him another chance :] i wish these people were real! Oh, and I also cried again when Edward left. I actually started crying before they even "talked" because I knew what was going to happen. Ha I am such a girl. I can't believe he said he did not want her! I would have broke down in tears right there and probably fell to the ground, ha.
Well anyways... last time, the whole time I was reading it, I was like " Back off Jacob! Edward will come back! Ugh! Yours so annoying!!" haha. I know he is an okay guy, it's just Bella needs Edward! Well this time I'm going to think differently. I'm going to think of the good he is doing for Bella.
Today I picked out some boots I wanted for christmas, I really don't want anything though. Later on I 'm going to hang out with my Grandmother at her store. Then I'm going to stay the night with her, and my cousion lives there too, so It'll be fun.

I just got a text that my grandmother is on her way, I'll post again soon. Bye!

Friday, December 5, 2008

A favorite of Mine

Click Here.
This is the time when I wish thousands of people read my blog, just so they would know who this guy is. His name is Kyle Williams. I have been a fan of him for about a year. I first found his music on He has a myspace, click here. He is an a amazing singer and he really deserves to get somewhere, someday.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yes, I am officially insane. With out even getting a good realization on what I was doing, I found myself researching agents online. Agents that get books published. I am out of my mind for doing this. One, I am nowhere near finishing anything. Two, even if I was, what are the chances? Three, I'm probably not that good anyways. Four, Well four a person can dream :]

Mello Yello

This drink is wonderful, but I'm not very fond of it when it's in my hair!!! Ugh.
Well today I went to the dentist, boo! My 12 year old molars are just now coming in for some reason and the one on the right is angled weird and when I open my mouth it pushes up against the side and it hurts. At one point he was doing something in my mouth and hit where it hurt. I sort of flinched and he asked "Is that where it's tender at?" I reply with a "Yes" So then guess what he does. He starts pushing on it and moving his finger around telling the other person that's wear it's tender. OUCH!! 
Anyways. I have to go to the orthodontist  and they are going to cut out some of my teeth, so the teeth can shift around, OUCH again. 
When I got home, I was bored, so I watched Harry Potter and The Order of the Phenix. Then I watched Ellen. There was this little boy, and he was making me laugh...It hurt of course! ha.
All day I have been trying to figure out my opening line to my story. I know the setting and everthing, I just can't think of a good way to start it! I will be so HAPPY once I finally start it, I'm sure you will hear about it :]
Okay, I have heard the song Womanizer about 7 times today, why is it coming on the radio so much?! ~RaNdOm~!
You know who I think is awesome? Selena Gomez! I do, and some how I came across the song "Tell Me Something" and it is playing it self over and over in my head. *Tell me, Tell me, Tell me something I don't know, something I don't know, something I don't know* ha...

:] *Tell me, Tell me, Tell me something I don't know, something I don't know, something I don't know*

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today, besides the pain.

Well, since I already filled you in on the pain, I won't say anything else on that, except I'm going to the dentist tomorrow :[
Today I was watching Ellen (love that show!) and there was a band I have never heard of. There name was Keane, and there from the UK. They are pretty awesome, ha.
I also watched Paris Hilton is my new BFF. Yes, I watch that show, it sort of a guilty pleasure of mine. I am so happy Brittany won, I have wanted her to win from the very beginning. She is cool.
Okay, I know I promised I would have some new developments on my future-book-that-is-probably-not-going-to-be-finish-and-but-I'm-excited-about-writing, but I will soon! 
I really wish I had some Itunes money, by the way. I have so many things I want to buy, and that was really random :]
Well this is a short post, but I am sleepy!


I am in pain.
The teeth in the very back have came in completely,
and on the right side, I guess it's to close to the bone.
It hurts.
This morning, When I woke up and opened my mouth, it felt like a rock was pounding at my check.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Okay, so let's face it, I'm never going to actually complete a story. So instead of drilling myself to write on my current story, I figure I might as well start the story idea that has been creating itself in my mind.
To substitute for the love life I don't have, there is going to be love, of course :] It will resole  mostly around that. I'm not really sure what's going to happen yet, but I do know a few things: 
- The main character is Julia. It's all in her perspective. She is basically a rebellious teen. She is also a foster child. 
- The boy is Seth. 
- In some way, it's going to be like an adventure, love story :] sounds fun. 
 -There is going to be a pedofile teacher, that gets his butt kicked by Seth :] (oh yeah, SPOLIER, ha)
-By tomorrow night, I will have lots more to the story, I promise.
It's going to be a fun, adventurous type thing.  

Monday, December 1, 2008

Book Spoilers :]

Here lately I have found a love for list. Your probably asking yourself, "People can have a love for list?", well apparently they can, since I do. It's not just on my blog either, I just make random list! They are very quick and helpful. I have decided that on December 15, I'm going to have myself an entire post dedicated to list. Ranging from my New Year's resolutions, to my obsessions. So brace yourself, for all the things that you probably could care less about knowing :]  
I was just using the program yWriter 4, a free novel writing software found on the web, and I was reading over my previous written book in progress. I decided instead of posting whole chapters, I thought I would post a few excerpts. If any one is interested in reading just comment me. Right now I only have four and a half chapters, which are not edited, but I plan to maybe start working on it again soon. 
Enjoy-(Spoilers!) Please Comment Feedback :]
Chapter One-
[[I lye there helplessly, I'm screaming and crying for someone to save me. I had no memory of where I was or how I got there, but I could feel someone coming. They were coming for me. They were coming to kill me. My heart was pounding with incredible speeds. If it got any faster, my heart would erupt from my chest. My body was freezing cold, yet pouring with sweat. I looked around for a quick escape, but only saw the darkness of night.
I was panicking, and becoming paranoid. I could hear them getting closer. Their sound was bringing pain to my skin. The closer the sound, the more I felt this burning feeling on my body. It was almost unbearable. I began to beg and plead for the pain to stop. I could not move. I was hopeless.
Then I saw them. There was an army of about five hundred. They all looked unbelievable strong, and like they wanted to give someone a cruel and horrible death. They would enjoy it. A sense of evil was among me. I was ready to sacrifice myself. I knew I was going to die.
As the army of men stopped in front of me, I began to drift off to unconsciousness. My body lost feeling, the pain had gone away. Moments later, I found myself fighting to open my eyes. When they finally gave in and let me win, I could see the bright yellow walls of my room. It had all been just a dream. A dream that had felt so real. 
After I realized I was okay, I closed my eyes and thought about what had just happened. I remembered the pain. You're not supposed to be able to feel pain in dreams I knew, but I defiantly felt it. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and it was all a dream. It was something I would never forget.
I decided I might as well open my eyes. And when I did, I found the disappointing sight of my parents. Parents were so boring and weird. At least mine were. They were just oddly staring at me like some epic event was about to take place then and there. It was very strange. I stared back for about three seconds, hoping they would vanish from existence. Unfortunately they just keep staring. I finally gave them a harsh look and yelled at them]]

Chapter Two-
[Stella Hall was my grandmother, but she died last year. There was no way this was real. It's impossiable to have magic powers. That is all just make believe. Comments like these kept repeating themselves in my mind. I could not stop starring at the book lying on my bed. Finally I sat down and open the book. The ring fell out. It was a silver band with The Angel Ring inscribed on the inside. On the outside there was a line in the middle that went all around the ring. I slipped it on to my right ring finger. I could have swore the line started to glow with a bright blue color, but then I decided it was just my imagination. I noticed that in the book the  words were also written in the beautiful calligraphy writing. I then saw the passage I was suppose to read allowed. Shoud I? This was all stupid and foolish, if I did, that would just make me stupid and foolish. But then again, what would it hurt? So I read it allowed.]]

Chapter Three-
["Hi, partner, i'm Matt."
I turned around and saw Matt Keller. He might not know me, but I knew him. Everyone did. He was probably known as the most popular guy in the whole school, even though he was only a sophomore. He was the best thing that ever happen to our school's basketball team. And to fit the cliche of the star basketball player even more, he was goregous. He had clean cut brown hair, these amazing yellow-green eyes, and a perfect smile. He was also tall and nicely dressed.
But to be the leader of them, you had to be one of the worst. It was only best to assume he was a cocky, self-absorbed, popular wanna-be, idoit. Some people say only the girls strive to be popular and they're the only ones who care, but guys are just as bad.
"Hi." I replyed back while smiling, trying to be nice.]]

Chapter Four-
[[ Before I even had a chance to look at my future place of living, I was stunned by the breath taking scenery in front of me. The  palace looked over the rest of Balifthus, which I found out was a small country. It looked as if it went on forever. You could see the town, the country side, and even the water that surrounded one side of the land. Every single building had the most astounding architecture. None of it compared to the palace though. When I turned around I saw  the majestic beauty of the very large, stone palace. It looked very much like a castle. I was speechless.
"It only gets better." said Dad, then started walking toward the door.]]

Chapter Five-
[[At night I was tortured by the ones who sought evil and wanted me gone. The more I apeared I was in pain, the stronger and happier they got. Each night a new detail would uncover, or change. They sent me this horrible experiance to warn me they would soon be here to defeat. 
Once and once only. I was able to change my actions. I arose from the ground to my feet, and tried to escape using my mind. I was trapped, I had no choice but to fight. I was weak and had very little memory of ways to keep myself safe. I tried to shield myself, but feel to the ground. Every since, I've wanted for the day this would be reality and I would die.]]

If you read this, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!