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Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa Thinks Edward Cullen Is Sexy, too :)

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Your probably asking, "Jamie, what did you get for Christmas?", Okay well your more than likely not, but i'll tell you anyway :)

Santa(a.k.a Dad and Jessi)
Team Edward T-Shirt :)
a jacket
two books
Aero gift card
Itunes gift card 
awesome boots
a purse
awesome socks, haha

Flat screen (woot-woot!) ha
Money, which turned into an ihome, itunes gift card, and new earphones
a book- Paper Towns


Uncle Steven
four books

Uncle John

Aunt Elizabeth
This ugly purse and perfume haha

a cute tote bag :)

itunes gift card

a sweater, and a hoodie

Then there are a couple things I have not got yet, but they are gift cards. I'm sure I probably forgot something, too. ha
Oh, and to my stalker-
I'm not the only one calling you a stalker, everyone who I asked about you (when I did not know who you were) called you a stalker. If you want me to stop saying it, then here's what you should do.
1. Don't copy and past what I write.
2. Don't mention me in your blog post (and I won't in mine!)
3. If I don't text you back, don't keep texting me, please.
4. Don't be stalker-ish at school. 

See, that's easy!

Guess what, everyone!? Only four more days until 2009!!! Yay!!!
I need to go back and find the post with New Year's resolutions, I forgot most of them, haha.
I'm hoping I can actually read 100 books in a year. I know I could, but I'm really good at procrastination. I could probably give lessons on it.

Guess what else, everyone!? It's Austin's birthday tomorrow! :) So even though you don't know him, wish him a happy birthday in the comments! Or in his special "Happy Birthday Austin!!" post tomorrow, ha.

Well it's  time for me to eat :) i'll most likely have a new post out tonight.


a l i said...

AWESOME gifts Jamie!!! I got a Team Edward jacket! And a LIFE-SIZE CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF EDWARD!!! And Twilight poster from my sister!

And i got lots of money too!

Glad you had a great Christmas Jamie!:D

nevermore31 said...

lol wow you got cool stuff, i'm gonna get a team edward jacket at the mall monday cause i got like 200 dollars to get rid of!!! lol