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Monday, December 15, 2008

A New Perspective

It's 3 A.M. in the morning? Reading New Moon and Blogging of course!
I think it was last week I started reading New Moon again. About an hour ago I started in the place I had stopped. I am currently on chapter 15, page 342.
Re-reading this book has changed so much for me. Before I was 100% Team Edward, now I'm 60% Team Edward, 40% Team Jacob :]
Edward is amazing, so amazing I was completely shunned off from the idea of liking Jacob with Bella. Jacob is pretty amazing himself.
So last night I found myself embarrassed. Someone of the male gender, haha, was reading my blog. It was not like a glance at it for a second type thing either. He actually skimmed through it all. What made me so nervous was that I don't know him very well, and I don't know how his mind works. I was not sure how he would look at things. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot.
As a matter of fact, he is probably reading this now. If so, Hi :]
The good thing about it is, I actually made him start his own blog. Wonderful, I know. His first post, Enslaved to the Blog, said this:
"This blog was created 45 seconds ago therefore only the thoughts of the last minute and 2 seconds can be used (took some time to type this). Basically just to prove a point I'm going to throw my thoughts into cyberspace where they will dissappear without ever being cared about.
Good things about this post:
First time ever "blogging"
He also created two more post which consisted of words like these: "i was beginning to doubt my own pulse myself." "I may find myself devoting way to much effort to something that only i will read." "hope i dream about being a dolphin, or even a goldfish, anything swimmy will do kinda in a swimmy mood."i just turned around and i think the pillow was crying because it misses my head so much. thats my cue.
-goodnight fair world, see you in the morning with any luck."

I cannot believe he actually made a blog. I think it may just be interesting. I very much favored the last two lines.

I shall get back to my reading. Peace out! *Ugh, Why did she just say that?* Well, voice in my head, I do not know.


Ash Mazelan said...

the main reason i went blogging is my personal diary (book) is full. in July!

Katelyn said...

k they are both amazing bands. lol my favorite by secondhand serenade is called vulnerable. and then by relient k...probably, there was no theif:) and i just love all of taylor swift's songs! lol