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Friday, December 12, 2008

Did someone say a long post?

No, no one said that, but i'm going to make one!  =]

Hello. It is exactly 12:27 a.m. and I am wide awake! To bad I have nothing to do. I don't really understand why i'm so excited for winter break, because I'll have nothing to do then, too. I really just want a break from school. I like school, I really do, but I need a break. I'm sure everyone does, considering most people don't want to go to school at all.
I have decided another thing to put on my New Years resolutions. I want to make a blog header that makes me proud to say "Hey, I made that!" I still have no idea how Meg makes hers. I find it impossible to make some of them in Paint, maybe I misunderstood? 
This post is really random and I'm just writing as I think it, so right now I'm going to thank Ali. She is such a good blog reader! Ha. You read and comment basically all my post, and I think you are so completely awesome for that!
I have noticed that blogger is like a little community. I have noticed that everyone is pretty much acquainted with each other (okay, I know there are thousands of people on blogger, but I mean the blogs that we actually read). Like, If you read a blog, then go to see you they follow, then to who they follow, then to who they follow, and so on they basically come back to the same people. I think that is kind of cool, except I'm not really known by anyone, haha. 
 Twilight News! Okay, so I was watching What The Buck on youtube, haha, and he mention that they don't want to re-hire what's his name to play Jacob, because he is too baby faced and not big enough. His agent suggested they digitally enhance him. I personally don't think he should get the part. It's nothing against him really, it's just he is not Jacob Black, he never will be. 
I can't stand the fact that New Moon is not going to be in theaters until 2010. It's not fair. She should at least write another book! That would so work, haha. Our she could write a Jacob and Renessme(that's how you spell it right?) spin off. I mean, that has to be an interesting relationship, a werewolf and a half vampire!? It can't just be left unsaid. Haha..Jacob is going to be Edward son-in-law. That is hilarious. If you really think about it, like really think about it, you could have seen it all coming. Not that it was not great, because I'm a total Twi-hard fan, but if you were thinking outside the box and what could be interesting. 
Oh, I have realized I have lied a lot on here. Not lying intentionally, but say I was going to do something then not. Like start working on my new story- did not do it; work on the old one-did not do; read Romeo and Juliet, only read half. I could probably go on, but from here on out, I'm going to do as I say, especially if I posted it on my blog, and there is proof I said it =]

I also want to say Hi to Katie, so Hi Katie =]

Blogger is amazing. I love it, I am addicted. I get on way to much, I'm not even going to say how much. I also love youtube. I really want to start making youtube videos, It sounds fun, haha. Maybe I will if I get a Flip Mino for Christmas =]

I updated my playlist, and I'm about to again once I post this. I also put it on auto, because it's awesomer that way =]

ALERT! KYLE! okay... I think I might have decided to be friends with him. I just really don't know. Honestly, (This is the one, and only time I'll ever admit this.) I'm scared to. Because this summer, I guess you could say he broke my heart, and then we become best friends and said all that was said, then he did it again and it was 2x as worse. I have a feeling it would just get worse, and I can't handle that, I barely did the first two times. I just don't know! Ugh! Any advice?

What I really need is another boy ;]

Just kidding---Sorta :]

Well, this post was a success.


Ash Mazelan said...

hi. thanks for visiting my blog. i am feeling great. about the tag thingy, well, you can have it.

a l i said...

this was a big success Jamie!

and thanks for the shoutout. That's so nice! :D

and yeah, he is SOOO not the right person to play Jacob Black. I totally agree. I wonder who'd they get to play him in New moon...?