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Sunday, December 14, 2008

The New Year

Wow. It's 2008 is going to be over in a mere 23 days. Then It will be 2009, the new year. If I said I was excited, that would be an understatement. New Years is my favorite holiday of all. This year I have a New Year's resolution strategy, and I suggest this to anyone who has problems keeping there resolution. I've figured if I make a whole bunch of resolutions, I'm bond to keep some. Smart idea, right? :]
I'm going to share them with you right now, and I'd love to hear yours!

New Year's Resolutions (in no order):
- Read 100 books
- Write a completed novel
- Make blog headers that I can actually be proud of making
- Inspire someone
- Make a username that I LOVE (I have been trying to do this my entire internet life!)
- Get a Flip Mino Camcorder (If I don't get it for christmas)
- I just realized, in 2009 I'm turning 15, so learn to drive =]
- Make good grades.
- Survive my first year of highschool (well the first half)
- Build friendships with new and old friends
- Fall in love (haha, I had to add that one!)
- Try not to die of suspense, while waiting on the New Moon movie
- Stay healthy :]
- Go to sleep before mid-night on a normal bases
- See the moon on the night when it's the closest to the Earth, and at it's largest (this year it was this Friday, but I missed it [read about it])
- Watch the Twilight movie at least 99 times :] haha..
-Make memories I'll remember for the first of my life
-And last, but not least- Make 2009 the best year ever!

Okay, I don't think I forgot anything. I'm feeling random, so I'm just going to start listing things I love from the top of my head! It sounds fun.
Rain//Snow//Fall//Blogs//Blogger//Comments//Friends//New Years//Besties//Music//Ipods//Ipod touches//Laptops//Books//Happiness//Love//Headers//Phones//Texting//Clocks//Lamps//Pillows//Email//Instant Messenger//Boys//Edward Cullen//Robert Pattionson//Twilight//Smiles//Blue//Green//Purple//Yellow//Sundrop//Smoothies//Smoothie Kings//Family//Fun//Movies//Pictures//Icons//Dancing//Singing//Showers//Reese Cups//Skittles//Happy Days//Mexican Food//Notebooks//Pens//Markers//Calendars//Time//Youtube//Gossip Girl//Ghost Hunters//90210//Wizards of Waverly Place//H20//The-N//Internet//Taylor Swift//Hearts//Stars//Night//Sunsets//Sunrise//Randomness//Mail//Etc...

Wow, that was amazing :]
Have a wonderful day:
Miss Ash
Mary Clare
OR anyone who could possible be reader this blog! (If I did not list you, I'd love if you left a commet and tell me your name) =]



(: ♡♥CoNvErSe--SMiLeS™♥♡ :D said...

You listed my name on one of your post.
I feel so honored to be on someone's post!
Well I should start on my resolutions too and sleeping before midnight is genious!!!
And watching twilight a 100 times.. haha!
Have a good year next year!!

a l i said...

I totally & COMPLETELY agree with you on kind of a lot of your resolutions actually. :D I agree with you on staying healthy, watching twilight 99 times(it will not be hard for me...edward...sigh), making good grades, and not dying of suspense for New Moon to come out!

we have so much in common Jamie! Its so awesome!! :D

Mary Clare said...

hey jamie!
i do always read your blog, i'm just a lazy commenter :]

i'm excited for new moon, too!!! i don't want to wait until 2010 :[

Katelyn said...

haha i feel so honored that I was on that post! lol I like all your ideas for new years resolutions..I've been getting really into that too this year:) all of my resolutions will go up on my blog soon. haha have a great day!

Ash Mazelan said...

i absolutely need to finish my novels. the main reason i can't finish them is i can't find the right ending. and a few days later i'll start a new novel with so many stories left with no endings.