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Monday, December 15, 2008

Today was..Hmm

This morning I had one of those moments everyone has at least once in there lives, the moment in which they ask themselves, "Am I on Drugs?!"
This is how the story goes-
At about 3:30 A.M. I started reading, New Moon. Of course, as you all know, I love Twilight. I think Stephenie Meyer is a wonderful writer, and after I read her writing, I feel more inspired to write.
At around 5:15 A.M I started to get ready was school. So, here I am hunting for a particular shirt and I'm thinking about my own book. I was thinking about writing it, pacifically.
~Now read carefully, this may be a little confusing to explain.~ Then I come upon a shirt that was rather ugly. Now in my mind I was thinking "I'm glad I never actually wore this shirt" I thought to myself.
I actually thought the words, I thought to myself, and I honestly don't know if I was doing it before I caught myself. It was an odd moment, if I must say so.

Then, I had to ride the bus, which I don't do often in the morning. It was fun, actually, considering I was really hyper. I was even being funny and making everyone laugh, it was pretty amazing I was doing that.
Lauren gave me my christmas present today. It was a white tote bag, with blue writing. It's so soft and I love it =]
In English, I was so lucky Couch Reasonover asked nothing about my make up work. Not so lucky, I think he forgot because of the pile of work we have to do to study for the exam.
I was so happy for a snow day, but not now. Friday was intended to be just studying for our exams, which are this week. So basically, we lost three whole days to do our study guides and such.
In reading, we actually took our nine weeks exam. It was beyond easy.
History, now that was a wonderful class. Not. We were all in our normal seats. Byron in the back and Lauren beside him. Then in front of Byron is Kyle, then me. Today was not a normal day in history. The whole class we got to talk and we all found ourselves socializing with each other, like we were a group, like there was a we.\
But don't worry the happiness does not stick around.
Kyle kept making these remarks toward me. They were casual, yet insulting. So, I returned the favor, and did the same thing to him.
We somehow ended up in this conversation, that even made Lauren and Byron stop what they were doing to pay close attention.
It went something like this;
(We were referring to Lauren and I making a joke about us hating him, then him saying in all seriousness he did not care he was us to it.)
Jamie- (Still trying to make it as a joke) Lauren doesn't hate you! She's just joking.
Kyle- Yeah, well your not.
Jamie- Well, that's me. But like you said, It's no like you care.
Kyle- I don't, I'm use to it.
Jamie- You never did care, so I guess it's not a big deal.
Kyle- Yeah, I did, but not now.
Jamie- Oh, well you had a funny way of showing it. But, hey your not the only one who doesn't care , so whatever.
Kyle- Yeah whatever, see there;s no reason to care.
Jamie- I think we already pointed it out several times in the past that you did not, so shall we discuss why you were worthless again?
He said nothing, and I thought to myself, "Yeah, that's what I thought!"
Then he had the gall to call me and ask for the answers to our science homework. Ugh, Idiot.
The last class of the day was Math. Math is my favorite, and best class of the day. Our teacher, Mrs. Whitworth, she is not really nice nice to anyone, but she's a little nicer to me than most, because i'm a good student. Well, anyways, I was sleepy. So I made myself look extra not-feeling-well. I ended up sleeping the entire class, with Mrs. Whitworth saying a word, and I know she saw. Ha, I'm just that awesome :]


a l i said...

I'm 100% Team Edward. I really, really, really don't like Jacob.

In fact,I strongly dislike him! Especially now!

Mary Clare said...

what were you doing up at 3:30!? o.O
new moon isn't even a good enough reason for me to be up that early