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Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Moon!

The trailer will be released May 31st! Exciting! The movie is release on November 20, as you see! Can't wait! Yay. And Eclipse comes out between June 25-27, 2o10 Because I know it's the weekend before my birthday. By the way my birthday is in exactly a month!!!!!!! Yay!
Tomorrow I will be going home to my mom's, so there will no longer be a lack of posting, which I am sorry for.
Here at my dad's nothing interesting has happened, just worked, and watched movies, and just hung around. Boring.
When I go home, I'll probably be hanging out with friends, which will be fun, and then probably more work.
Oh! Something else.. Soccer starts in less than a month! Yay....


katelyn said...

New Moon trailer = lovely.
I cannot wait for the movie.