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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today was not a good day.
We got our progress reports today at school, and there possibly the worse grades I've had in a while. I could get my phone and my laptop taken away, I'm not sure what my Mom will do. I'm not showing her until Tuesday night though, because we don't have school Friday or next Monday, and I won't be going to school on Tuesday. 
So the possibility of my phone and MAYBE my laptop being taken is something I was going to talk about with Austin tonight, but WAIT I can't! 
Because, as you know, he had to go put his phone in water! Who puts their phone in a glass of water?!

I'll more than likely post later tonight, but for now I have to go.



m e g • (an) said...

Forever the Sickest Kids = already have them. Plus my friend Luke just went to their concert! How awesome is that, right?
The Maine, and Mayday Parade = pa-lease jamie. I own them. Catch up baby.
From mayday, Three Cheers for Five Years is my favveee.
from the maine is definatly The Way We Talk. Hands down.
I'm very impressed with your music selection.

oh about the grades.
cool it.
i'm in the same boat. I have like a 2.6. Ahhh.
That's okay. It will be up to a 4.0by the end of the term.

who drops there phone in a cup of water?
for real?
wow austin, wow.